The Vile Injuries

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

     It remained dark outside, though; the sun probably would be rising in the next hour or so since it was around six in the morning. Outside, there was less snow than there previously had been in Delain due to them heading south of the town to a town of about the same size if not a little smaller. As they entered the outskirts of the community, ice decorated the streets in a thin sheet, and the snow piled up to maybe an inch or two off of the ground. Silver maple trees had shed all of their leaves long ago, and they were interspersed between white pines. Homes hid among the bases and under the branches.

Most of the scenery only was visible due to the few street lights present, and one of the lights had illuminated the sign Welcome to Teller's Den. The creature, though, could observe it all without the artificial illumination, but he was more focused on the fact that they would be arriving to Nick's house soon. He carefully could wrap his partner up in warm sheets after cleaning her up and putting her in some warmer clothes.

The car's headlights placed a large single story house in view, and the trees surrounded the perimeter of it, but there were fewer trees around the house than other homes in the area, which pleased the creature. It would mean that there would be fewer hiding spots for Callest if he had followed them. Deidre, though, concentrated on driving as well as waking up Nick and Ren.

Both human males grumbled, but Nick woke before Ren. His brown optics stared groggily to Deidre, who smiled and replied, "We're home." Nick sat up a little more and glanced out the window. A small smile hit his lips, and he relaxed into the chair. Ren lifted his head up soon after and cracked his neck since the muscles had been sore from him tilting his head back over the seat.

"Ether probably should get out first and get (f/n) settled," Ren mumbled, rubbing his neck and not glancing back to the creature. The human male also didn't want to keep the creature waiting and anger him in the process. Besides, he didn't want to rush with moving Chris either, so he didn't desire for the creature to pressure him to move quicker.

Deidre pulled into the driveway while Nick responded, "Right, you'll have to be careful and move aside." Nick adjusted in his seat a little bit when the car came to a momentary stop outside of the garage. The large left door opened, and Deidre pulled in while Nick unbuckled his seatbelt. Ren followed, and he gently lifted Chris up so that he could move to his left, which would permit the creature to exit from the very backseat. Behind them, the garage door closed.

Getting out of the vehicle, Deidre clicked on the garage light with the opener and shut her door behind her. She walked around the car and removed the backpacks and duffel bag from inside. Memories of what lay inside of the bag momentarily entered her head, but she pushed them away. Now wasn't the time to get grossed out by that. Softly, she set the items off to the right side of the garage. Nick had left the vehicle by that point too and was taking out the crutches for when Ren and Chris parted from the car.

As for the creature, he watched Deidre come back and push the seat that Ren had been on forward. The creature cradled (f/n) in his arms and maneuvered out of the car without hitting (f/n) on anything in the process. "Where's the bedroom I can use for her?" he asked just as his feet hit the concrete.

"I'll take you back there," Nick offered, leaning the crutches against the side of the car. Deidre looked ready to offer too, but Nick shook his head towards her. He didn't want his friends alone with Ether even if he had been displaying another side to himself beforehand. Eventually, that probably would happen since they would be living together for at least six weeks. "Come on," he added, waving his right hand. Nick didn't turn his back completely to the creature. Rather, he walked to Ether's left at a safe distance so that he would be in the line of the creature's nails first and not his companions.

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