The Pretty Moonlight

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Pale, soft light drifted in through the glass of the window. The glass gave view to the background bathed in the illumination of the moon. Grass, frosted over by the chilly air, spread out from one side of the fence to the wall where the window was at. Inside, the lamp on the table was shut off, and the light blue chiffon curtains hung limply by the sides of the window. Almost, it looked like the drapes wished to sway lightly in an invisible breeze, but they remained unmovable.

Across from the window, a white comforter and sheets covered a form. (H/c) locks fanned out around the owner's head, and hands were curled into relaxed fists. Lips were parted, and her chest rose up and down steadily. He could hear her soft breathing, and he could see the remnants of tears on her cheeks.

After her father left, neither of them had said a word to each other. (F/n) simply climbed into bed and cuddled under the sheets. He moved away from the bed and stood close to the table when he heard her begin to cry quietly. She was trying to hide, so he would give her the illusion that she was succeeding. Now, she had been asleep for about an hour.

Ether released a quiet sigh from his lips as he looked to her. Her (h/c) seemed to glimmer under the moonlight washing over it, and the tears, which had been trickling down her face even during sleep, sparkled like small diamonds. Due to the plush comforter and sheets, she almost looked like a star in the evening sky. The thought made him smile to himself, but his smile faded when he remembered the source of those glittering gems.

He imagined that she was shedding tears from the stress of the whole situation and the anxiety she felt for her mother and sibling, possibly her father too. Her father was in the living room resting, but he understood that she would've stayed up all night to talk to him if they both didn't require rest before the drive tomorrow.

There was also the fact that she probably worried about him keeping his promise about not attacking her sibling. If the baby survived in the womb long enough to be born, the baby next had to survive him. He had every intention of maintaining his promise. Killing her baby sibling wasn't something he wanted to do, nor did he need to. Besides if he did, a permanent barrier that he never would be able to tear down would form between (f/n) and him; he didn't want that at all, especially when one just had fallen.

Another fact entered into the matter. He had told (f/n) that he didn't want to adopt to have a child with her, but with a baby potentially on the way, he was admittedly curious. Sure, he had studied female anatomy as well as human birthing processes, but to witness it was another matter. Of course, he didn't expect (m/n) to let him view her giving birth, but to see a newborn that he would be living with was ... exciting ... even if it wasn't his child.

Maybe, that was because he wanted a child of his own so badly, and he knew that the likelihood of that happening with his love was next to none. He even admitted to her that he would be fine with never having a child with her if that's what she wanted, and he made that promise never to force that upon her; he would stick to that promise regardless of what he wanted. Another sigh exited from his lips, and he tried to picture what a human baby roaming the house would be like. In his wandering around the areas, he had seen a few human babies, but each of them seemed to be at their own pace in terms of walking, talking, etc. The difference between the few he had seen peaked his curiosity more. Just what would his pink flower's sibling be like?

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora