The Fair Honesty

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Relief? Shock? Confusion? Lack of acceptance? Her eyes simply stared up at him. She had seen the pieces falling down, and the realization had been coming to light slowly, but to hear that confession out loud, it ... Well, it stunned her. It felt like she was dreaming, but she was wide awake. The sensation perplexed her greatly, and she barely could part her lips. That whole game had been nothing ... Her mind didn't know what to make all of it all. She was relieved to know that he never would force himself upon her. Sure, that could change in the future, and trusting him ... After Ca ... After him, could she trust their kind again? Then again, Ether's expression indicated that she could; she couldn't detect one hint of falsity in his words or his emotions. He had laid them all bare before her.

Right now, he wasn't lying; she was sure of it. Ether was different from ... him. They had a different relationship. Doubt set in, however, as further comprehension of his words' meaning dawned upon her before the doubt faded away again. It was as though she was experiencing whiplash several times over. The blood and tears continued to stream down his face a little longer, and his eyes stayed upon hers. His smile had fallen, and he looked so ... so terrified. A part of her wondered if that's how he had looked when he had been younger with his grandfather. That nearly caused a string of her heart to be tugged, but she forced it aside as a laugh, no several, wanted to escape her.

They weren't from amusement. No, they were from her own horror. He thought that revealing such a secret made him less terrifying? If anything, it scared her all the more. He had killed all of those people just so he could continue the charade that he would have a child with her no matter what, but she also couldn't yell at him, scream at him. She couldn't do any of that, and she couldn't even blame him for thinking like that.

After all, she constantly had reminded him how she was going to kill him; how she was going to use his weaknesses against him. Her parents even were planning his death, or they were trying to come up with solutions to do so. Momentarily, her mind desired to ask about them, but it switched right back over to the facts Ether just had given her. Even if he was fine with her killing him, he still wanted to live; he still wished to have a child with her.

With that gone, though, he lost a vital threat against her, and threats had been what had connected him to her in the first place. That connection would weaken, and she could get away easier, which might make him all the weaker. If his strength diminished, he could be killed quicker, so he wanted to preserve that link as much as possible. Otherwise, all of those pieces might fall. Wait ... Her thoughts came to a pause. No, it was more like a crashing halt.

Even though she had been staring right at him the whole time, it was like she was seeing him completely for the first time. Perhaps, his true reason for starting the game made him all the more terrifying, but, in that moment, he didn't seem anything like the creature he had been in the tunnels or during the game. He was just Ether. If she could sit up, she would, and the words slipped from her mouth effortlessly. "I know how to kill you without injuring your heart." His eyes didn't even widen, but he didn't look away. Instead, a small smile formed upon his lips. It almost looked proud, but it was pained and didn't hide his vulnerability.

"I'll take what you desire most," he spoke softly and giggled as if those words had been the silliest, most agonizing ones in the world. "Cal ..." He stopped himself, knowing the effect the name had on her. "He guessed wrong. It's not a child with you. I made it seem that way because you were even less likely to leave and run away from me. It gave me more control over your life, and your parents became all the more hesitant to attempt anything against me too."

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