The Fiery Sharpening

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, next week will have the last chapters to this story, so I just wanted to give you all a heads up on that. Thank you so much for your votes, adds to libraries, comments and fanart for the story/series; I greatly appreciate all of it! It all makes the story that much more fun to write and upload, so thank you again^-^.


Just what he was counting on. Ether continued to grin, all his rage and hatred for Callest contained in the one expression. His too human-like teeth revealed themselves, and his handless left arm twitched with anticipation as if his nails had come back already. Almost, Callest's left foot was healed, and he would be back on his feet. That didn't matter, though. As long as he made it to him before that, Ether would have a good chance of reaching his objective.

After he took a few steps forward, he charged. His feet swept across the cement as though it were ice. Once more, his left arm extended out. Callest wouldn't let the younger's forearm strike him again. He put more of his weight on his left arm and hand. His nails scratched against the cement as he leaned against rubble.

Somehow, Ether's grin widened. The elder's nails were all the closer to it. Ether would make this work. He moved more towards Callest's left side, and he leaned forward during his run. His feet launched him forward, and his arms came out. Callest began to raise his left nails. They swiped through the air towards the younger creature.

Barely, Ether dodged the attack. In the next second, he dove down onto Callest. His arms wrapped tightly around Callest's waist, and Ether shoved his entire weight against him. The impact hurled them back into the rubble, but the sound Ether wished to hear hit his ears. A very distinctive scratch against cement was heard as though a lighter had been flicked open. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw the small spark near the spilt gasoline. Flames came to life and lit up the space on the first floor as they illuminated the rest of the room too. Ether squinted, and Callest did the same, but the older shoved the younger off of him; however, Ether threw himself back on Callest. The two creatures struggled as flames ate through liquid and headed for the main attraction.

Swiftly, Callest kneed Ether in the gut, and he picked himself up onto his feet. His left foot just had healed, and he was ready to bolt, but Ether leaped up. Callest swung his left nails through the air. Crimson flew. A sharp cry, not as high-pitched as the earlier one though, struck the area. On the ground nearby, Ether's right hand fell upon the ground, but he managed to maintain his balance.

Using the speed he had accumulated, he spun on his left foot and swung his right one at the older creature. Callest hadn't been expecting that, and he couldn't block in time. The blow sent him flying back towards metal. He landed on the crushed hood, and the metal dented under him. Ether, in the process, lost his balance from the swing, and he fell onto his bottom. His hands, both missing, couldn't support him up, and he fell back even more onto his bloody forearms. Upon his lips, though, was a menacing grin.

Uncontrollably, he began to chuckle lowly as the flames licked away at the sweet substance on the ground. Callest couldn't move in time; the flames had hit their mark. Light exploded through the space as metal and rubble flew throughout it. Ether had to cover his eyes from the intensity of the blast, and he couldn't see what had happened to Callest, but the whole building shook and moaned. More pieces fell down, and the younger instinctively covered his head and curled up to better protect his chest.

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