The Extreme Notification

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Over the course of the two weeks, Nick and his team had entered the bedroom Ether and she were in several times to review plans for heading to (f/n)'s parents' house and for dealing with her prior tormentor. Driving to the house was the simplest. They would head into the car with their needed luggage and drive off like they had when they had left Delain and driven to the cemetery. There was a concern about fitting everyone in the vehicle, but none of them had to deal with crutches anymore. Chris even had her boot off, though; she still had a slight limp as her leg got used to walking with no support again. (F/n) was healed as well, but Ether continued to keep a protective watch over her so that something like what had occurred in the subway wouldn't happen again.

Those thoughts chilled everyone since none of them wanted to experience that pain once more. Ether, on the other hand, was worried because he didn't want to find his pink flower practically broken another time. Once had been more than enough, and that should've never happened in the first place. He should've done a better job, and he would make sure that he would in the present and future.

As for what they would do when they would arrive to her parents' house, that was a little ... well, a lot trickier. There was no way for Ether to guard seven people at once. Even with the current five, it was unrealistic. Coming to that easy conclusion, they figured that they could walk around the top part of the funeral home like normal. They just had to keep doors and windows locked that led to outside and keep an observant gaze on the outside too. Yes, it probably was too simple, but whenever they over thought the situation, they generally found themselves backed into a corner.

The tricky part was determining when her past tormentor actually would attack. There was no way that he had forgotten everything in the subway and/or decided to give up on his plans to ruin them. After all he had done in the subway, that would be too bizarre to be reality. He hadn't struck at any of them again yet, but Ether had mentioned that he might be waiting for everyone to heal so that he could make his impact stronger. If they were healed and about to get better, they would have more hope, more strength for him to annihilate. Given her past tormentor's punishments, that wouldn't surprise (f/n). Whatever the reason, they probably would face him when they arrived at her parents' house.

With that in mind, Ether already knew that he would receive little sleep. Even when he did sleep, it would be light. Nick and his team, though, would sleep in the hall by the kitchen and living room. The couch from the living would be moved closer to (f/n)'s bedroom so that none of them were sleeping by a window or too close to the stairs leading down into the main part of the funeral home. All four of them wouldn't be sleeping at one time either. Two would be awake while the other two slept. (F/n) almost had been tempted to call her parents and asked them to install a door at the top of the stairs, but she knew that only would increase the risk since a crew would have to come out and install the door. Her past tormentor could slip in during that work and attack once they left.

Thankfully when she had called her parents earlier, they had remained fine. They had no encounters with the other creature, and no one suspicious had been spotted around the premises of the funeral home. Still, the prospect of them arriving at her parents' home relieved and worried her. It was going to be difficult. No, it was going to be more than that. Over two weeks, all they had thought of was that plan. That plan! It should've been something better, something more secure!

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