The Strange Couple

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Sleep schedule still not as consistent as it used to be, the morning hours that day had been no stranger to him. He had received a couple hours of sleep until eight in the morning when he had heard more than a few people in the funeral home. No doubt, (f/n)'s parents were hosting a funeral. Normally, he wouldn't have cared for whom, but he had recognized the first name, and it was one he wished that he never would hear again. Annoyingly, he hadn't been able to fall asleep, so he had committed himself to more research. Eventually, he had drifted off to unconsciousness again about four hours later.

He had been expecting to sleep through the rest of the day, but a similar noise woke him up again. A groan escaped his tired lips, and he rolled onto his stomach and cuddled his face into the pillows, wishing that at least her scent was there to greet his waking state. Instead, it didn't smell like much to him except the laundry cleaner that her mother used on the linens. The chemical smell was surprisingly inviting, and he was thankful that she didn't decide to use food- or certain plant-based smelling detergent. Otherwise, he might've gagged upon waking up.

When the noise didn't end, he tuned his ears in more and figured that another service was happening. The name of the deceased soon hit his ears next, and he shoved his head into the pillows more. Just his luck, it was another one of those kids. Thankfully, it wouldn't be all four since they still couldn't find the other two, and he doubt that they ever would. Those two's skeletons would be lost in the waters of that cave forever. Well, the one might've flowed to a different underground area. A slight giggle parted from his lips. They deserved that for trying to keep vital information away from him in hopes of taming him like some pet.

Once more, though, he tried to slip into sleep, but like before, he failed after several minutes. Another groan parted from him, and he moved out of the bed. His feet carried him over to the desk, and he turned on the laptop. It loaded up soon after, and he noted that the time was five pm. Admittedly, he had slept long enough. (F/n) needed his help, and he had enough energy for the day. He just wished that he didn't have to wake up to another one of their funerals.

Seating himself at the desk, he frowned a bit. Oliver Lahim. He tsked. What an idiot for trusting that group of kids. The kid should've run away when he had the chance. Instead, he had chosen to confront him, and he severely had lost. His attention, though, shifted to his right.

Leaning back on the chair, he reached out and pulled the curtains back slightly. Outside, people dressed in black proceeded to the burial site for the urn with his ashes in it. The curtains slipped back into place before anyone saw him, and he positioned the chair normally again. When he died, his wish was to be buried or cremated with the hope that his pink flower would be placed next to him. Maybe, their ashes could be combined into one urn, or their bodies placed together in a couple's coffin.

Unfortunately, he doubted that would happen, but it was nice to think about, especially since his parents probably never received such treatment. His lips fell down into a slight frown at the memory of his grandfather. If only he could kill him again. Then again, that man didn't deserve to view the world another time.

As his thoughts continued to delve down that road, he forced himself to take a breath and stop. The funeral and his grandfather were distractions from his main objective; he needed to locate some information about where Callest would've taken (f/n). Already, he had created that list for her parents, and they were exploring places separate from those ones. Both they and he also had compiled a larger list of all of the potential correct spots, and the amount of places was overwhelming. They couldn't let that deter them, however, from finding her.

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