The Idle Unknowing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Things were chaotic, both in and out of her mind. Thankfully, Chris and she had managed to stop the bleeding enough to keep Deidre alive and stable, but she would need professional help for her wounds to heal properly. The same went for Nick, especially since he still couldn't see out of his right eye. There was a high chance that his eye was permanently damaged, but he didn't panic since he was more focused on getting Deidre help.

Due to Deidre's injuries, they had stopped at the nearest hospital they could find. What caused the chaos in (f/n)'s mind, aside from what was occurring at the factory, was the fact that she had to stay in the car. Her father and mother remained with her while Ren, Chris and Nick brought Deidre in. Chris, though, was texting her father updates on what was occurring, but so far, both Deidre and Nick still were being treated.

It didn't help that her father, mother and she were no longer at that hospital. Her father had driven to a car rental company in the vicinity and rented a car that could be turned in at their town. Once more, (f/n) had remained in Nick's car to remain unnoticed. No one could know that she was alive unless both creatures were dead.

To bring Nick's car back to the hospital, however, (f/n) did have to drive since her mother was in no condition to be doing so. Luckily, no one at the rental company seemed to notice her, or at least recognize her, on the driver's seat. After they had arrived back at the hospital, her father had texted Chris that they were leaving and that they could pick up their car from Nick's house at a better time. No objection came from Chris; Chris just wanted them to do their best to remain safe, like they would.

All of that led to her parents and her already driving back to Carnation Hills, but the drive was unpleasant. Her parents and she were tired. Thankfully, her mother had fallen asleep on the front passenger seat, but her father was glancing out the windows and checking the mirrors every now and then, which didn't surprise her. (F/n) wondered, though, if going back to their home was the smartest option since the other creature easily had broken in the last time; however, Ether had mentioned that he would be there ... if he was alive.

Ultimately, it would make more sense for them to wait it out somewhere, like that hospital. It was crowded, and it was ... Okay, it wasn't unexpected given Deidre and Nick's injuries. It also was the closest one to the factory, so it might be an easy target too. They could wait it out at another location, but her father did only have a certain amount of time off. He already had meetings booked on the day after the four days leave, and if he didn't show, suspicions would rise. Of course, her father could call them off, but the fact that he rarely ever did that still would raise suspicion. People would think that an emergency had arisen, and other problems might form from that. No, they needed a quiet return where no one was concerned about what might've happened to her parents.

Overall, the situation was less than ideal, and even if they did hide out somewhere, they ran the risk of someone noticing her even if no one had so far. They could park the car in some random location and wait, but that still created the problem about her father's appointments. She wanted to groan in frustration, but her mind was too busy even to allow her that. Outside of those issues, she still was worried about what was going on with Deidre and Nick. Chris hadn't texted her father's phone in awhile, and she knew since she was holding onto the device while her father drove.

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