The Red Chair

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also usually, I wouldn't put a warning on this story since it's horror, so there naturally are going to be some horrid moments. However, this chapter and the two next week do have some very gross scenes in them. So if you're squeamish around vomit and decomposition, please read with caution.

Quietly, a groan parted from her lips, and a familiar dim light shone on her closed eyelids. She shifted a bit and winced in the process from her ankles and wrists being restrained. The feeling caused her eyes immediately to open as images of an abandoned subway cart and a rabid wolf entered her mind. Upon her doing so, though, the area went dark as if her being awake had been illusion, but her limbs remained tied down. It felt like it was the electrical cables again, but she couldn't tell in the engulfing shadows.

(F/n) couldn't call out to her tormentor since she refused to speak his name, and she had no idea what mood he was in. If it fell from her lips and he felt that she was undeserving of speaking it, she probably would receive a round of harsh beatings, which made her skin tingle from dread. So, she hung her head down and tried to discern where she was in the subway, but it was nearly silent all around her. Only the noise her breathing made touched her ears.

No doubt, she was strapped to a metal chair since she could feel its cold touch on her legs, arms and back. Somewhat, it numbed the pain of the bruises and cuts on her body, but she'd rather not be secured to it if she had a choice in the matter. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling, she attempted to stay calm. He had to be nearby unless the light really had been a trick of her mind; however, she tried not to focus on that too much.

Instead, her mind traveled to events of the last few days. Maybe, it had been more than that; she couldn't really say given the constant torture she endured in the abandoned tunnels. But, she remembered waking up back in her room after the incident with the wolf, and he had placed the head in her room. It just stared at her, and she remained in that room, with the exception of bathroom breaks, until he had knocked her out again. Or, perhaps, she had fallen asleep, and he had taken advantage of that to bind her; she couldn't say, and she'd rather not know. Her mind had experienced enough troubling memories for a lifetime.

Still, those days with the wolf's head had been awful. The smell of death constantly filled her room, and its lifeless eyes became Laura's so many times that she half-expected the head to grow glasses. As comical as that would sound outside of the situation, it disturbed her to no end since the glasses wouldn't have been made out of metal, plastic and glass. Rather, they would've been crafted from bone and flesh. And, the days had heightened in terribleness from the fact that she had to eat with it nearby.

Meals of almost expired, mushy apples and canned meat, dumped on a paper plate, that had began to taste delicious after months of nothing else and little to eat became vile as she couldn't get the taste of rot out of her mouth. It was as though she had bit into the apple only to kill a worm in the process. The meat seemed slimy and chewy from maggots even though both items had neither of those in them. As she forced herself to swallow since she needed the energy, laughter echoed throughout the old, dusty room. Dean and Haley were the source of it, and they constantly damaged her worth.

Her only break from those trials had been the bathroom, but she hadn't bathed since when she had received the new pale pink undergarments. And, he had watched everything, humiliating her more and more. Even though it had been so long with him, she never could ignore his revolted and constant stare. Those moments she wished to be away, but she then would be back with the head and hallucinations. Fortunately, he had given her more clean underwear from the same person he had taken the others from. Again, they were pale pink and made her think of ... Ether, and thoughts about him exploded in her head. Pushing them back into the shadows of her mind probably never would happen; they were too far out, and she didn't have the strength to fight back entirely anymore.

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