The Sketchy Facts

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Momentarily, the handle stopped moving, but both men remained focused on it. The picture of the food in the mini freezer was long forgotten, and they made sure that all of their supplies, but their flashlights, were secured in their backpacks. Nick stepped in front of Ren, who looked ready to protest, but the older male gave him a stern stare, which kept the younger male silent on the matter. They soon heard metal hitting metal, like the sound of keys tapping against each other.

Distinctively, they knew that was what it was when presumably one of the keys was inserted into the lock. Their heartbeats grew faster, and a scratchy, bored chuckle met their ears. "I haven't even opened the door yet, and you two are getting so excited." He chuckled again. "Or rather, you both are probably fearful. I'm surprised that one of you hasn't fainted yet. I practically can taste your terror." The creature's tone held a lifeless quality to it, but it almost was as if he was purring at the same time. If they weren't in such a dire circumstance, they both would've thought the combination odd and somewhat ... hilarious. Since that wasn't the case, they continued to concentrate on the door handle.

Steadily, the handle turned. Both of them shone their flashlights on the entrance, but the door didn't move once it popped open with a click. The creature didn't step inside, but his nails were tapping against the door as though they were knives ready for a cutting board. Seconds ticked by at an agonizing pace, and both men wondered what the creature was planning, but they knew that it was nothing for their benefit.

Ren, not being able to take it anymore, was about to ask Nick what they should do, but his attention snapped entirely on the door again. Immediately, Nick and he raced forward and slammed their bodies against the door before the creature could throw it open. Barely, they managed the task as they held their entire body weight against the metal. Another chuckle greeted their ears, and they desperately searched for a solution to their growing problem.

In the far right corner of the room, there was an air vent which looked big enough for either of them. Much to their surprise, there was no covering on it, which made them grow suspicious as to why the creature would leave around such a vulnerability. Unfortunately, the vent was their only other option of escaping the creature. They glanced to each other, and Nick motioned for Ren to climb in while he held the door. Ren shook his head, but Nick mouthed, "He's going to kill me last. I have time. Go."

His brown optics met Ren's green-hazel ones in an unyielding and serious manner. Ren wanted to argue more, but another bang on the door threw him into action. "Hurry into the vent after me," the younger male mouthed back even if he had the feeling that his friend wouldn't make it that far. Nick gave him a reassuring nod and held the door closed, which he knew the creature could open at any time with his strength. The creature no doubt was giving them a false sense of security, but Nick hoped that one of them would be able to get away from the creature still.

Racing across the room, Ren unplugged the mini freezer and pushed it just below the vent. Hurriedly, he climbed atop it and began to hoist himself into the vent. His flashlight illuminated all of the dust inside, and he saw a few beetles skitter across the metal. Inwardly, he grimaced, but he crawled into the vent more just as he heard a loud slam behind him. Groaning followed after, and Ren easily recognized it as Nick's. A pit in his stomach formed, and he wanted to turn around, but he never was given the chance.

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