17. Block

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Question of the chapter:

Inside or outside

At some point, yoongi grew tired of playing and crawled over to the couch where seokie was. But... wasn't he supposed to not trust them anymore? And look at what he was doing. Playing with them and letting them call him cute pet names. But he liked it. Everything was finally going back to normal. But should he trust so easily?

As little yoonies mind filled with big yoongi's thoughts he sat right in front of hoseok staring straight at him unknowingly. "Yoongi?" He asked getting a little weirded out but the shiny innocent eyes staring right into his soul. "Sweets?" He asked and again nothing. Instead of calling out something else he picked yoongi up making the little aware of his surroundings once again making the paci he was sucking on fall to the ground.

"Seokie." He said out of surprise. "Yoonie." Hoseok scrunched his nose making the little giggle. "What were you thinking about bun?" He asked sitting back down so that yoongi was straddling him. "Why you hate yoonie? Yoonie a bad boy?"

The question caught everyone off guard and hoseok didn't know how to answer for a minute. "No baby. We were bad not you. In fact you were the best boy ever and we were so mean. Forgive us? We promise to be better." Hoseok brushed yoongi's banged off of his eyes and kissed the littles cheek. "Does that mean you still wove me?" "Forever and ever" Hoseok kisses the little's other cheek and yoongi giggled. "Stoop seokie." He laughed and hid his face in the crook of Hoseok's neck.

Yoongi didn't move except for some shifting from the position and eventually fell asleep as the others watched tv and kookie played. He started to shift 10 minutes into the nap and he brought his thumb up to his mouth. But hoseok nudged namjoon who was beside him and pointed to the floor where the paci lay. Namjoon reached for it and picked it up then wiped it on his shorts before taking the thumb out and putting the paci in.

"We don't deserve him." Namjoon whispered pushing the sleeping littles hair back. "I know" Hoseok said back and they went back to watching tv.

yoongi woke up in his own bed around 3 pm. It took him a few seconds to register the warm arms around him. He sighed in content and snuggled closer. "Baby?" Jin asked and yoongi slightly opened his eyes. "Eomma"  he pouted with his eyes half-closed. "Awww baby. You hungry? You've been asleep for a while now." "Mhm" he hummed. "Alright. Let's get some food in the belly." Jin scrunched his nose and picked yoongi up carrying him to the living room where the boys were so he could make an early dinner. They had to be up at 4 the next morning so they were going to bed early. In their case 8pm. Besides if they were hungry later on they could have a snack.

"Baby:" taehung cooed and Yoongi thought 'maybe the not trusting them is big yoongi's Thing. Not mine' besides all he wanted was love and attention and they were right there to give it to him. Why hold back? "Tae Tae." He held his arms out demanding Jin walk faster towards the 2nd youngest. Meanwhile the 1st youngest was having trouble staying big because yoongi wasn't. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked jungkook who was right beside him as Tae plated with yoongi in the ground. "Wanna be little too." He pouted.

"Well you can." Jimin smiled and pinched jungkook's cheeks. "Tank you" Jungkook smiled and climbed off the couch onto the floor. About 40 minutes of the two littles and Taehyung playing woth a train track Yoongi asked "why train go choo choo?" He asked turning sideways to look at Tae. "Beats me" taehyung laughed. "Well..." Namjoon said and they all groaned. "Fine I'll keep it to myself. It's when the valve opens and steam exhaust is released." Namjoon explained briefly. "Joonie smart." Yoongi gasped. "Not as smart as you bug."

So as more time went on jungkook got whiney and needy so all of the attention was on the maknae. While everyone else's attention was on the basketball ball game that was on. But yoongi was bored. He wasn't upset that nobody's attention was on him but he also dint want to play trains anymore. Partly because jungkook had took it all for himself and he was left with one car. So he tapped Tae put only received a finger telling him to wait. Tae didn't even look as him. So got up and went to his room to he could drag out his blocks and play with them. He was only being a burden in the living room anyways.

While yoongi was doing that Jin finished dinner and called the boys to come but none did so he sighed and went to the living room to see one missing. "Wheres yoongi?" Jin asked and they all shrugged not looking at him but came to there senses seconds later. "He was right there!" Tae pointed next to him. "And why weren't you watching him?" "Because I was busy with jungkook...." "why didn't anyone see him walks way?! He's 5'9" for gods sake! How did you not see him walk out! Does nobody know how to watch a kid!." Jin scolded them a little more before he decided to go to yoongi's room, which was the farthest away from the living room to check on him.

"Yoongi?" He asked seeing the little halfway under the bed. "What are you doing?" "Bwock" Yoongi's voice came from under the bed. "You got it?" "Yeah" so he slid back from under the bed holding a red square block. "C'mon dinners ready"

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