14. Got you there

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Question of the chapter:

Best song to cry to?

Time skip to a few weeks later

The boys have been doing everything they can to be forgiven. It's been tiring but this was their band mate. This is what mattered the most right now.

"I made you favorite for lunch!" Jin said as he walked out of his room fully dressed to go to his studio while everyone was eating at the table. "I'm going to the studio." He said and grabbed his keys then walked out of the dorm.

'To make shitty lyrics'

"We got you something" Namjoon held out a bad that was filled of some sort of clothes as yoongi walked through the dorm door. "I'm going to bed. We have that interview tomorrow" he said and walked to his room.

'Don't want to look like shit in the interview'

"Hi!" Hoseok said walking into yoongi's room. "What?" The older grumbled into his pillow. "Want to go out and shop? Just you and me?" He asked. "No thanks." Yoongi said and turned over so his back was facing the younger.

'You look bad in everything you wear'

"I got us your favorite movie and candy. Let's watch it." Jimin said popping his head into yoongi's room. "Can't. Doing work." Yoongi said saring at his laptop. He had been making lyrics. "Please? Would you really choose work over me?" "Yes"

'He was gonna hate you either way. Not like you even matter'

"Wanna go to a birthday party with me?" Tae asked yoongi while they were eating dinner. "I'm going to bed." Yoongi got up ignoring the comment and left the table.

'You shouldn't disturb them with your presence anyways'

"Do you wanna play?" Jungkook asked walking into the cleaner than normal living room. Yoongi who was enjoying his peaceful moments grumbled incoherent words and walked past the younger back to his room.

'You would screw it up somehow'

"Please?" "No" "I promise it will be fun." "Leave me alone." "Please?" "Fine!" Yoongi shouted and namjoon jumped back but smiled. "We can go to the studio tomorrow! You won't regret it!" Yoongi grumbled and walked away. Namjoon wanted them to make a song together and was nagging him all day about it.

'He's gonna think of you as a fuck up once he sees you work'

It was 1 am and yoongi was still working on the lyrics while namjoon was whining about wanting to go home. "You said you wanted to work with me. You know how it works. If you don't want to do this than tell me and I will leave right now."

"I want to." Namjoon said and picked his notebook back up. "Ok fine. Let's go home but we leave the dorm no later than 8 am tomorrow morning. Or I'm not doing the song anymore." Yoongi's said and namjoon smiled.

As soon as they got home jin ran to them. "Have you eaten?" He asked and namjoon nodded but yoongi just walked past his elder. "Look I know you are mad but you have to respect me." Yoongi laughed out loud and turned around. "And where was the respect I should have gotten from the younger members?" Jin stayed silent and yoongi just walked away.

"Got you there" Namjoon said and Jin glared. "You need sleep." He said and walked away upset at what happened. He knew yoongi was right and couldn't say anything back.

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