11. Pushed

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Question of the chapter:

What clubs are you currently in?

Yoongi walked into dance practice the next day with the clothes he had in before. He was lucky he had wore sweatpants and a t-shirt to the studio or he would have been screwed.

Throughout dance practice yoongi would get pushed around making them have to start over. Obviously it got blamed on him and the manager would get more mad at him each time. Then Namjoon pushed him specifically hard and when yoongi fell he twisted his ankle.

"Fuck!" He yelled out holding his foot. "Are you serious yoongi! If you are incapable of dancing you should leave!" The manager yelled. Yoongi couldn't help it and tears started to flow down his cheeks.

Yoongi was getting hurt because of me. Everyone hated him because of me. But when I saw yoongi twist his ankle I knew I had to say something. I should have said something a long time ago.

"Stop yelling at him! Starting over wasn't his fault! He was pushed every time!" I yelled at the manager. "Kookie please" Yoongi tried to say but I cut him off. "No! This is my fault! I shouldn't have done what I did and now they hate you!"

"What are you talking about?" The manager asked. "I went into yoongi's room while he was in his studio and I tripped and fell. Then I took something of his knowing he loved it and he yelled at me for it." I said quickly and ran out of breath.

"C'mon yoongi lets get you to the nurse. I will deal with you guys later." The manager walked through the boys and helped yoongi who was silently crying in pain up.

"What was that!" Namjoon said. "You guys are going to treat him like trash you are going to get called out for it. What happened was my fault. I shouldn't have been in his room. I shouldn't have taken his stuff. He had every right to yell at me." Jungkook once again ran out of breath. "Well" seokjin tried to speak.

"No! Everything that has happened to him is my fault! He was hurt when everyone only gave me attention. You all compared me to him and he got sick of it. He yelled at me. He threatened me. All because it was hurting him. He's hurting and nobody gives two shits about him. It's so clear just look at him and you can see!  I've heard him cry himself to sleep every single night for months. It hurts knowing I'm the one who caused that!"

They all stayed quiet and watched tears flow down Jungkook's face. "Sorry" Jimin said. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Jungkook said and ran out of the room to be with yoongi with tears still running down his cheeks.

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