Author's note

10.5K 140 28

Hello there.

Lemme tell ya something. When I first started this, just over a month ago, I was only halfway through season 2 of Criminal Minds and I was genuinely expecting for it to go nowhere. It was just a fun little project that I wanted to try. 18,000 reids and 400 votes later and I'm dying. We managed to get #1 in aaronhotchner and #1 in davidrossi for a number of days.

Let's be honest, this story was a rollercoaster. Mainly because I only thought that it would last 16 chapters and every time that the book was planed to end, I thought up another idea to make sure that it continued.

I would first of all like to say thanks to ma bestie. After every time I published, we would call and read through it together. Sometimes laughing, mostly cringing. You are the Alex to my Jaella.

Next I would like to thank all of you cool dudes who managed to make it to the end. Thanks for voting, commenting and even just reading and taking an interest in this. I hope that I was able to increase your unhealthy obsession with Spencer Reid and MGG.

Getting kinda emotional ngl.

Alright I lerv you all. Stay safe. Love yourself.

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