Chapter 2

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Jaella's POV

As I step out the elevator and enter the office that I spend more time in than my own apartment, I can hear the chitchat of colleagues and the hushed whispers of cases to be solved. I make my way towards my desk which already has a steaming cup of coffee on it. Alex.

Alex Carter is my best friend and by chance, just so happens to be placed at the work desk right beside mine. Only joking, we briskly walked to the only two open desks beside each other when we first joined 4 years ago. We were in the same training program since the beginning. Even though she prefers her job of filing and solving cases to my more dangerous role, we have stuck together ever since that first day. On our own sector's cases, you can find her in my ear, helping me out.

"Ally my dear," I announce in a posh English accent, "to what do I owe the pleasure of you gracing me with your kindness?"

"Absolutely nothing Agent Fox," she replies sheepishly.

I cock my head to one side and look at her straight in her ocean blue eyes. "Ally. I might not be apart of the BAU but I do know that you are lying through your teeth."

Alex breathes deeply, knowing that she is practically incapable of hiding the truth from me, and visa versa. She puts her hand in mine while looking up into my own honey coloured eyes. Alex is around 5'1 but that doesn't stop her from having my back 100% of the time. My boss and her are the only people who know all of the secrets from my past. Try not to fret. I am sure that you will find out soon enough.

"Boss wants you to see him in his office and says that you've got a pretty rough case in front of you."

Finally. I think to myself. It has been at least 2 weeks since I've been out on the field. Alex always gets extremely nervous when I have to leave because it always involves being directly with the suspect. So for her sake I don't jump up and down and simply smile a thanks to her before walking to my boss' office.

As I walk in the door, coffee cup in hand, I see my boss, Oliver Peters, look up from a file he has held in his hands. He is in his late 50s and with a receding grey hairline and a kind demeanour manages to make agents feel welcome and secure. He is one of the only men that I actually trust. Hell, he's one of the only people that I actually trust.

"Ah, Jaella. I was wondering when Ms. Carter was finally going to inform you of your case," he says with a knowing smile.

Alex's hesitation to let me leave for a case was quite well known, as she would frequently attempt to drag me away from the office elevator by as many limbs as she could hold at that given time, in order for me to stay.

"Thankfully not as long as she usually does," I reply with a similar look. I've always liked my boss. He was the one who declared that I should definitely join his unit, even with my complicated past.

He disrupts my thoughts by stating, "Now, I shall brief you on this case after you take a sip of your coffee. Trust me, you will be needing it."

Hello my dudes. Glad to see you have stuck around for chapter 2. I am aware that the chapters are short but they will become longer as the story progresses. Do not worry, we will be seeing a certain doctor in the next chapter.

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