Chapter 34

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Spencer's POV

I scrunch my eyes closed as the morning light passes over them. I try to turn away from the sunlight, but find that my body doesn't obey. I open my eyes and look down to the weight keeping me from moving. A smile appears on my face when I see Jaella, cuddled into my side with her head laying on my chest.

Fuck, last night was amazing.

Of course I haven't slept with towns of women like Morgan, very few actually, but I do know that last night changed my life. I'll probably have to leave out the encounter in my letter to my mother. She already ships (a new word Garcia taught me) myself and Jaella together from what I've told her. I still can't believe that last night happened. I never would've said that it could've happen if you'd asked me before this morning.

I cautiously slide out from under Jaella and gently replace my chest with a pillow so that she doesn't wake up. I grab my pyjama bottoms from the floor and slip those on. I turn back around and simply admire Jaella's beauty, in a non-creepy way, hopefully. Her brunette hair is splayed out behind her, as if it's being blown back by a gentle breeze. She looks so peaceful. I decide to go into the kitchen, put on my top that was discarded last night and look for something that I can whip up for breakfast, something not too difficult as my cooking skills are limited.

I hear padded footsteps behind me as I finish plating the last waffle. I turn around to see Jaella in a new t-shirt with a small smile on her face.

"Hi," I greet, now nervous.

"Hello," she replies with a similar demeanour.

"I made waffles." I turn around and pick up the plates that are each stacked high with golden brown waffles. I see her eyes light up and her smile grow which makes something inside of my chest flutter.

"Sex and waffles, quite a service you're providing Spencer," she jokes. I smile back, glad that the awkwardness has dispersed.

"How is it, that you own a waffle maker, but not an oven?" I enquire.

"I've just got my priorities in check."

She grabs condiments that we'll need whilst I bring the plates over to the table. We both sit and eat, chatting like we normally would, until for some reason my mouth decides to blurt out possibly the dumbest thing that I've ever said.

"So um, how was last night for you?" My eyes become wide and I want to strangle myself for being so blunt.

She chuckles at my expression. "Last night was really great Spencer, amazing if I'm being honest. I've never done that before actually."

My head shoots up. "Wait what? I- I thought that you'd already, oh god, I should've been gentler. I'm so sorry-."

She cuts me off by her letting out a bark-like laugh. I simply look more confusedly at her. "Spencer, I didn't mean it like that. Of course I've had sex before. I just, well it's never been my choice before. I've never done it with someone that I actually wanted to. And it was amazing Spencer," she assures me.

"Oh ok," I breathe out, relieved, now with a blush on my face. "It was amazing for me too." She simply smiles back and continues eating her food. "Sorry if this is too soon but, what are we?"

"Humans," she deadpans.

I chuckle at her attempt at joking. "I mean, would we be able to make this more official, if you don't mind?" I ask whilst rubbing the back of my neck and avoiding any eye contact.

"I would like that very much."

I look up at her to see her wearing a breathtaking smile. "Well then, Jaella Fox, would you accept the offer of being my girlfriend?"

"Hmmmm." She jokingly hums, as if pondering my question. "Only if you'll do me the honour of being my boyfriend.

"I'd want nothing else."

The loud ringing of my phone comes from across the room. I hop up, and go over to answer it.

"We have a new case," Hotch's voice says from the end of the phone. "Come in as soon as you can."

"Yes, of course. Oh sir, I'm further away than I normally would be. Would I be able to meet you all at the jet?" I ask hopefully.

"We can brief you on the plane. See you then."

The call ends and I turn to Jaella with an apologetic look on my face. She gives me an encouraging smile. "It's ok, don't worry about it."

"But I wanted to make sure that you'd be alright. I don't want to leave you all alone."

"Spencer, Alex is coming over later so don't worry about that. These are just the lives we live. Our jobs will never be normal, and while I'm on a break from my work, I can't expect for you to drop yours. Now go on, you've got lives to save," she encourages.

I get changed into new clothes from my go-bag in the bathroom. When I come back out I find Jaella facing away from me, cleaning off the chocolate covered plates. I decide to be bold and place my hands on her waist. She jumps slightly but relaxes into me as I begin kissing the side of her neck. She places down the things in her hand and turns to face me. I lean down and gently connect my lips to hers. We break apart soon after.

"Stay safe Dr. Reid," she comments whilst ruffling my hair.

"I will, girlfriend," I reply, revelling in the fact that I can call her that.

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Go on, you don't want Hotch asking you why you're so late." I give her another fleeting kiss and then make my way to the door with a smile on my features and a feeling that I can't quite place.

We finish briefing and I begin to look over the case files. My eyes quickly scan each page as the information makes it's way into my brain.

"So Kid." Morgan sits down beside me. Emily and JJ are seated across from us as usual. These seem to be our normal spots now. "Where were you that you had to be late?"

The others put down their own work. "At the library," I reply, trying to sound as normal as possible. "I leant a copy of The Illustrated Man to someone and wanted to reread it." This action isn't uncommon for me, I just hope they buy it.

Morgan simply smirks. "I got Garcia to track your phone. You were in DC."

"The library that I went to was in DC," I reply quickly.

I see the two women across from us exchange excited glances. "That's where Jaella lives," proclaims JJ.

"What were you doing over there with her?" Questions Emily with a devilish smile.

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Fine. I just went to bring her back to her apartment. She needed a lift from the hospital," I say defeatedly.

"Ah ah ah Pretty Boy," Morgan tuts from beside me. "I also got Garcia to check how long your phone was in the same location for. Would you lovely ladies be interested in the answer?" He asks the two in front of us. They both nod their heads eagerly. I sink back into my chair, praying that I could be somewhere else. "He was at her apartment since yesterday afternoon. He stayed the night."

"Spencer did you, you know.." prompts Emily.

I clear my throat. "Guys I really think we should get back to the case."

Their eyes widen and mouths hang open. Morgan then claps me on the back with a large smirk on his face. "We all know that Spencer Reid would want to make this official ASAP, so tell me, when'll you pop the question?"

The others lean in. "I already have," I mutter.

The two women let out squeals of joy as Morgan lets out a laugh. "Never thought I'd see the day."

Hope you like the new book cover, kinda spicy ngl. Yesterday we were #1 in aaronhotchner. I have no idea why you guys chose to spend time reading this but I'm thankful. Don't worry, the story won't finish just yet. I still have a couple more plot twists to throw at ya.

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