Chapter 6

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Jaella's POV

The jet is unlike any other that I've traveled on for missions. Usually, everyone would have closed off compartments to get ready in. You would use the space to change and get wired up, because the second that you land, you're in the character. This plane however is like one long corridor littered with seats. I can see that you can sit by yourself and simply enjoy the trip, or in groups.

Probably for when they need to discuss the case.

I don't usually end up actually solving anything. I just do my job to the best of my ability and then let the real detectives do their work. It wouldn't be my place to speak up and take over.

I sling my trusty go-bag onto the floor by my feet as I slide into a seat across from Emily and JJ. They both look up and give warm smiles. They put down their paperwork and decide to start up a conversation, which I'm thankful for on this two hour flight. Emily talks first.

"What age are you? You seem pretty young to be working on such a large case." She says this with more admiration than I was expecting. "Sorry that sounds rude."

"Oh no not at all," I swiftly reply with a chuckle. "I'm twenty-six. I joined the FBI around four years ago after being in the training program for two years."

We discuss many different topics ranging from JJ's son Henry to details about what my own work entails. They were extremely jealous when they found out about how I usually have to attend parties and banquets whilst undercover. They seem very willing to discuss a topic that doesn't involve profiling for once.

After a while I see the two women give each other looks.

"I really don't mind, you guys can ask about my previous job."

They breathe out almost a sigh of relief and lean in closer.

A voice from behind me perks up and I turn to see Spencer sitting next to Derek.

"Is that how you put yourself through college?" He blurts out while rubbing the back of his neck. A nervous tendency I'm guessing. He continues, "because around one third of exotic dancers are in fact in college. Contrary to the popular belief of quitting education and then becoming-"

He gets cut off by Derek softly slapping him on the arm. Spencer cautiously makes eye contact with an apologetic look on his face. As if he has said something wrong. I really don't mind as he's bound to be curious.

"No actually," I reply, giving him a small smile to let him know that what he said was okay. "I started when I was 16 and after I dropped out of school."

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "The minimum age for workers in DC is 21. It would be completely illegal to-." This time he cuts himself off and pauses before speaking again. "Sorry that you had to do that. Um, would you like some coffee?" Spencer asks me with a small smile.

Nothing more amazing has ever been said.

"Smooth pretty boy." I hear Morgan say under his breath. Spencer's cheeks tint pink with embarrassment. I pretend to not have heard Derek's comment in order to keep the doctor from dying on the spot.

"Em, yes please." I give a reassuring smile, which he returns. "Can I have black coffee, no sugar or milk?"

Spencer nods and then hops out of his seat to leave.

"Watch out," warns JJ. "He can make pretty terrible coffees." I can tell that she's only teasing as I see a small smile playing on her lips.

Spencer turns back to us with an excited smile on his face. "Did you know that in ancient Arab culture, a woman could only divorce her husband if he didn't like her coffee." He begins to chuckle to himself until Morgan clears his throat.

"Right. Sorry. Black coffee." He quickly scurries off to the coffee machine at the other end of the jet.

"He tends to ramble a lot," Emily says to me after leaning in close.

"I don't mind it," I reply. "Actually, I think it's kind of cute."

Hiieeee! Cute lil' moment here. There will be more one on one scenes with Reid soon so do not fret. Lerv ya.

Sinner | Spencer ReidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora