Chapter 3

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Spencer's POV

I sit to the left of JJ after Hotch calls us all in for the briefing of a newly discovered case. I lift my glasses to my face as I have a feeling, which I get before every case admittedly, that this will be a difficult one.

"Good morning team," Hotch begins while looking around at all of us to check that we are all here. Sitting with me are the team, my family. Although I would be too embarrassed to call them that to their faces. Morgan, Garcia and Rossi are to my left with JJ and Emily to my right.

"How bad is the case?" Asks Morgan whilst taking a sip of his own coffee, due to the early hours of the morning.

"Florida," replies JJ nonchalantly.

Oh no.

"We have come across three murders which were originally thought to be unrelated, until the same notes were discovered at each scene. First victim," a picture of a young teenager appeared on the screen, "Eva White. A seventeen year old girl left with a throat slit twice in a cross shape and punctures on both hands. She was found on a hillside by local hikers."

A new picture. "Second victim, Evan Lewis. Thirty-five years old. Left with the same markings as the first but instead was left in his office." The picture changes to a woman with blonde hair. "The third and final victim, a 43 year old named Olivia Burns. Also found with similar wounds by her husband when he arrived home from work."

Files are passed out and we all examine the crime scene photos. I scan the information quickly. I slide my tongue across my lower lip, an involuntary action I seem to do when thinking deeply. I decide to pose the question I've been thinking.

"How did they not realise that these crimes were related to each other, with the similar markings left on them?"

"They believed that it was merely a coincidence until two days ago when Olivia Burns was found at her home. As they realised this they went back to the crime scenes and found these identical notes."

Three images appear on the screen. All with the words 'SO WHOEVER KNOWS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND FAILS TO DO IT, FOR HIM IT IS SIN.'

"Those are words from the Bible of James 4:17," I announce to the room. "This killer may have a religious background and feel as if he is cleansing these victims of their sin by murdering them. It is extremely likely that this unsub is mentally unstable."

Rossi adds, "that would explain the cross shaped slit made in each throat and the punctured hands. This wound may be in relation to the crucifixion of Jesus."

"Perhaps this was some form of sacrifice," I offer.

The room digests my words and it is silent until Emily speaks. "Was there anything of significance that the unsub left behind by accident?"

"As a matter of fact a card was left at Evan Lewis' office." Hotch removes a scrap of paper from a plastic bag in front of him. "I had Garcia look up the words on the card and we have found that it belongs to a strip club in Florida, only a few miles from each of the crime scenes."

"Why would someone so hell bent on the rules of Christianity go to a strip joint?" voices Morgan.

I quickly respond. "Many religious individuals are in fact 'sinners' themselves," I begin, "they feel as if by righting others sins theirs are less punishable and therefore they claim that they will still make it to heaven. This unsub might even feel as if he is doing a service for God."

"We have acquired an agent from Oliver Peters' unit in Washington DC. She will be assisting us with this investigation," adds Hotch. "Come in Agent Fox."

I look up and then I see her.

I notice her eyes first. Honey. Like pure sugar. Addictive.

Her brown hair is pulled into a messy yet somehow perfect bun at the top of her head. She has purposely pulled out baby hairs at the front to frame her beautifully features. High cheekbones and a strong jaw make her look almost angelic.

She walks in with confidence that I wish I could have. As she walks over to Hotch I notice the way that her shirt hugs her figure. I quickly try to busy myself with the extremely interesting pen in my hand. I gulp and can see Morgan smirking at me out of the corner of my eye.

Hello my broskies. Hope that you're still enjoying. If not then feic off.

Sinner | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now