Chapter 31

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Jaella's POV

Over the next couple days, I receive many visitors. Alex visits most days after work, making sure that I'm kept comfortable and entertained. What really surprised me was the team from Quantico all took the travel and came to see me, not all at the same time of course. I received a bone crushing hug from Penny, who was the only one that I secretly kept in contact with after my story got out. Everyone else made sure to apologise profoundly, but I assured them that it really was fine and that I probably would've done the same.

Spencer has been in whenever he can find the time. Although, cases do require for him to leave for a number of days at a time. We haven't really talked about the kiss, well, kisses from two weeks ago. Hopefully when I get out of the hospital I'll manage to grow a pair and discuss the topic with him, but for now, I'm just content with his company. He lends me books from his humongous selection and we tend to simply read in a comfortable silence together, play cards or watch movies whilst both sharing an earbud.

I look up from The Narrative of John Smith by Arthur Conan Doyle, which is my latest steal from the extensive collection, to see Spencer walking through the door with a greeting smile on his face.

"Hello stranger," I say in a disgustingly bad cockney accent. I close the book and place it to my side.

His eyes glance to the book. "Are you really still reading that?" He asks, chuckling.

I scoff playfully. "'Hello Jaella nice to see you' would've been a good greeting too. And I apologise that I can't read twenty thousand words per minute Dr. Reid. Some of us aren't blessed with that gift." He takes a seat at the end of the bed and I notice the two coffee cups in his hand. My eyes widen in surprise. "Are one of those for me?" I ask excitedly, clapping my hands together like an energetic child.

"Why yes it is. I know that your doctor says that you're not allowed to have caffeine but I'm willing to bend the rules every once in a while, like a total badass."

"My knight in shining armour," I commend dreamily, taking the steaming cup from his grasp. "How was the case?" I ask, referring to the one that he just returned from.

"It went ok," he says sheepishly. "I never really know if any cases can go well, cause at least one person is hurt or mentally scarred afterwards. But we did manage to find the unsub hiding out at his grandmother's old flat."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Not everyone can come out of the experience jumping for joy." I take a sip of the coffee and reevaluate what Spencer told me. "I know that you're definitely a total badass and all that, but I don't think that you'd ever want to put my health at risk by giving me something restricted. So tell me, what's the catch?"

"Jeez, no wonder you were hired as an agent," mutters Spencer under his breath, still loud enough for me to hear. "I read over your charts and your doctor said that you're allowed to drink one cup per day."

My mouth hangs open. "Are you telling me, that you lied to try and make yourself sound cooler?" I place a hand on my heart in mock hurt. I laugh as Spencer avoids all eye contact and rubs the back of his neck. "Don't worry, you're already super cool in my books."

"If only those books didn't take you over a week to read," he retorts.

"Oh you got jokes now? Very funny. You know what, you should completely drop the whole BAU job and take up a profession as a comedian," I deadpan.

He rolls his eyes playfully. "Oh shut up and grab that deck of cards."

After a few rounds of playing a card game that Spencer taught me only a couple of days after I woke up, we still seem to be on an even playing field. I'm still feeling quite proud that I've kept him from winning for more than five minutes, as most of our card games leave me obliterated.

"I'm still trying to figure out your tactic," informs Spencer, looking thoughtfully at his own cards, with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Good luck there pal, I don't have one to figure out. Just pure skill." My hand slams down on the smallest pile of cards in between us and I yell "Spit!". I smile triumphantly at a dumbfounded Spencer.

"I'll find out how you're cheating," he says, staring at me with narrowed eyes, whilst setting up the game for another round. I simply smile back. His features soften. "Um, I also read something else on your chart. You'll most likely be let out within the next couple of days."

"Oh wow. That's great," I say, more enthusiastically than I feel.

"But um, I was hoping that we'd still keep seeing each other," he suggests, meeting my eyes.

"I'd like that." I smile a schoolgirl grin. "I'd like that a lot."

Just so that you all know, commenting and voting is extremely welcomed. I love hearing your comments and knowing if you liked a certain chapter. Later losers.

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