Chapter Thirty Six

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~Amy's POV~

I woke...or more I laid in bed with every light in the house on, still waiting for sleep to take me, I realized it was time to start my day and sat up. It was Sunday and all of class 1A was supposed to be moving into the dorms this morning. I hadn't been sleeping well...or much at all. The few times I'd been able to sleep were when I had people, I felt safe with, at my side. Maybe once I got to the dorm and realized all of my classmates were only a shout away, I'd feel safe enough to sleep...though even at home, Dad was never far and I still had trouble falling asleep.

"Princess, it's time to get up." Dad called softly through the door as he slowly opened it. He noticed me sitting up in bed and I saw worry line crease his forehead, "did you sleep at all?"

I wanted to tell him I did and I was fine but I felt guilty about lying so blatantly and offered him a small white lie, "not a lot."

"Are you sure you want to go today? Principal Nezu said it was alright if you wanted to wait a few days to move in and take some more time to recover..." He sat beside me on my bed. He'd been worrying over me ever since I'd been rescued.

"No, it's okay. I'd like to try and do as many normal things as possible...I think it'll help." I offered him what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

"Alright, but I need to make sure you understand you don't have to push yourself to do anything you're not ready to do. It's okay to take things slow." He wrapped an arm around me. My body was still a little tender, most of my wounds had at least scabbed over and were healing pretty well, but I still felt sore.

"I know...thanks Dad." I leaned into his warm side hug.

"And you know if you need me to stop by for a visit, day or night, call me and I'll be there, right away." He gave me a gentle squeeze.

I smiled. "I know."

"Good." He sounded like he was going to cry, "I'll miss you, Princess."

I felt tears welling in my eyes and tried to wipe them away if Dad saw me cry then he'd start crying and we'd be a sobbing mess...and we couldn't do that to Mr. Aizawa...again. "I'll miss you too, but we'll still see each other every day, and I'll call you before bed every night and maybe we could have movie night every weekend with everyone else." I tried to cheer him up.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head, "what did I ever do to deserve you?"

There was a quick knock on the front door. It sounded like whoever it was, was trying not to be alarming, it wasn't too loud or too long. It still startled me but I luckily didn't scream. My body tensed slightly. Dad looked concerned but offered me a warm reassuring smile.

"That's probably Aizawa." He kissed the top of my head once more, "why don't you pack up any last-minute necessities." He looked to the plushies that had been my constant companions since coming home.

I nodded and started packing up the plushies I had started to keep with me at all times. I didn't like the idea of stuffing them into a bag but didn't really want anyone to worry more about me if I showed up hugging them all in my arms. Dad went to get the door and I grabbed a small powder blue duffel bag and began neatly tucking my plushies inside. Dad and Mr. Aizawa had already moved some of my other plushies, books and my clothes into my dorm for me and got everything set up.

Once I crammed the last of my essential plushies into the duffel bag, it looked like it was ready to pop. Since it was filled with nothing but plushies, it was super light but looked like it was about to split a seam. I stepped out of my room and into the kitchen. Mr. Aizawa was downing a mug of coffee and Dad appeared to be trying to go over some kind of checklist on his phone with him but Mr. Aizawa was too tired or too annoyed to pay a lot of attention.

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