Chapter Forty Six

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~Amy's POV~

I woke up before the sun had risen and set to work proofreading and rewriting the apology letter I'd drafted up before bed. Though at 10 pages front and back I was wondering if it was perhaps now an apology book instead of a letter. I picked some wildflowers from outside and arranged them in a small vase on a tray piled high with cat shaped pancakes.

I carried the tray to the faculty dorm building. Before I reached the door, it flew open and I spotted Present Mic wearing a pair of pajamas littered with cute animated puppies playing guitars.

"Princess Might!" He greeted me with a smile.

"Good Morning, Uncle Mic." I replied shyly.

"So cute." He reached out as if he were going to hug me but suddenly dropped to the ground sound asleep as Midnight used her quirk on him and shot him a scowl.

"Good morning, Precious." Midnight smiled at me sweetly as if she hadn't just knocked out Present Mic.

"G-good morning Midnight-sensei." I bowed my head politely before throwing a worried look at Present Mic, "is Uncle Mic going to be okay?"

"I should kick him." Midnight grumbled bitterly under her breath before offering me a smile, "he's fine. Come in."

I followed Midnight into the Faculty Dorm and spotted Mr. Aizawa in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. He looked surprised to see me and even more surprised by the covered tray in my hands.

"What's this?" He frowned.

"M-my punishment?" I squeaked and set the tray on the counter next to him.

Midnight looked between us curiously before lifting the lid of the tray. "What on earth kind of housewife kin-." I didn't hear the rest of what she said as Mr. Aizawa suddenly covered my ears and began shouting at her angrily.

Midnight started laughing hysterically and I stared up at them both, thoroughly confused as Mr. Aizawa stopped covering my ears. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all precious one." Midnight giggled before gently patting me on the head and taking her leave.

I looked to Mr. Aizawa as he threw a scowl at Midnight before picking up the ten page letter I'd written. He sighed, "I said an apology letter not a novel."

"...I felt really bad..." I mumbled morosely still feeling extremely guilty for breaking curfew, destroying ground Beta and most of all disturbing Mr. Aizawa's peace.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and set the letter aside before rubbing his temples, "you're not in trouble, no one is angry with you, not entirely sure it is possible for anyone to be angry with you, so please stop beating yourself up." He gave me a hug as if he already knew how upset I was.

"I'm so-." I began to apologize but Mr. Aizawa threw a sharp look down at me.

"No more apologizing." He scolded me lightly.

I nodded.

"Good. Now go do something fun with your day." He waved me off.

I exited the faculty dorm and started walking back toward my dorm. About halfway, I heard a few panicked animal-like squeaks and hurriedly looked around. My heart fell as I spotted a chipmunk entangled in what looked like ribbon from a balloon that had gotten lost and was now deflated.

"Oh no! Hold on, I'll help you." I squeaked and lifted it and the ribbon up with my quirk and brought them to me. The ribbon was wrapped tightly around its neck. I focused on the ribbon carefully with my quirk and it began to unravel itself until it was in tiny harmless shreds on the sidewalk at my feet that scattered in the breeze.

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