Chapter Thirty One

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A/N: Double update!! Make sure you didn't miss Chapter 30!

~Toshinori's POV (briefly)~

"Amy?!" My calls wouldn't go through. She'd tried to call me moments ago but the call dropped the moment it picked up. I called her back hurriedly. The line just rang and went to voicemail.

I waited a few breaths and tried again. It rang a few times then went to voicemail. Something didn't feel right. My stomach kept twisting into nervous panicked knots. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

"Princess Scaredy Cat not answering?" Shinso's voice sounded behind me, I'd had some spare time left in my muscular form and agreed to help him again for some more training. I knew Amy liked him and thought it would be best to spend some time with him and get to know him better.

I shook my head.

"Don't freak out or anything, but I have a bad feeling..." Shinso spoke up softly.

"I do too." I agreed and called her again. The phone picked up, "Princess, are you alright?!" I nearly breathed a sigh of relief until a voice that wasn't Amy's responded.

"Sorry, we're borrowing your precious little Princess." A male voice I didn't recognize sounded on the other end before I heard what sounded like crackling flames and the line dropped as if the phone had been consumed by fire.

I felt all the color drain from my face and my blood turn to ice in my veins. My stomach and heart both dropped and I felt as if I'd been gutted.

"All Might?" Shinso looked to me worried.

My vision went dark and I felt like I was about to lose my footing. Ayumi's voice shrieked in the back of my mind pulling me back to my senses, drawing me out of my wallowing pit of despair and hopelessness as I tried to process what I'd just heard. TOSHINORI! YOU'RE A PARENT! YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO BE PITIFUL! FIND OUR DAUGHTER! NOW! SHE NEEDS YOU!

Amy needed me. That thought alone drew me back from my split second of blacking out. I came back to my senses. Shinso, I'd learned was a relatively calm and laid-back boy, but he looked on the verge of panic.

"Amy?" He asked worriedly.

"I have to go." I don't know how I managed to form coherent speech.

He paled, "is she okay?"

"I don't know." I took off before he could ask me any further questions. I had no answers and I couldn't bear to see the boy in as pathetic of a state as I currently felt on the inside which is where it looked like he was headed.

~Amy's POV~

I opened my eyes and several things happened at once: I was overcome with pain, my vision remained black and I couldn't hear anything. Panic gripped me as I feared I'd gone deaf and blind before I heard myself gasp for breath. My throat was in excruciating pain, each ragged breath was pure agony, it felt like I had shards of glass in my windpipe and they shifted with each breath, digging deeper into me esophagus. Where was Bakugo?

I slowly reached around. I was lying on cold metal and felt like I was in some kind of small metal container. There were walls all around me. My fingers gripped the edge of whatever I was laying on and I thought I felt a track beneath me. A horrifying thought crossed my mind, was I in a morgue?! The first thought to follow this was how worried my Dad was about me right now. My second thought had me in tears, would I ever see him again? Was I going to die here? Was I already dead? A choked sob escaped me as I thought of never being able to see my Dad again or feel one of his warm comforting hugs or hear his infectious laughter. Tears streamed down my cheeks and another sob mixed with a cry of pain escaped me.

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