Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: 3rd update!! make sure you didn't miss the other two...possibly a 4th one to come in a bit

~Amy's POV~

I lost all concept of time in the cold dark meat locker. Sometimes the Nomu that could temporarily erase my quirk would torment me if my quirk started acting up. On the bright side, I no longer felt cold...quite the contrary, I felt like I was on fire and could only assume one or many of my injuries was infected and my body was riddled with fever.

At some point, I was pulled from the locker and taken to The Master's monitor room. From our few interactions, I gathered he was known as All For One or as most of The League of Villains referred to him, The Master. It seemed like something was going on, I thought I heard a crash from somewhere in the distance. The masked villain was on his feet for the first time since I'd been here. I flinched as he approached me. I wasn't sure I had a patch of skin that didn't have a bite mark or puncture wound from his Nomu.

"Stay right there." He pointed to a corner of the room and I moved as quickly as I could and dropped to my knees in the corner, my legs no longer able to support me.

The terrifying Nomu who'd become my constant companion stood at the door ready to pounce if I made the slightest move as All For One disappeared. I crouched frozen in terror. I had no idea what the crashing sounds were. Suddenly the Nomu was wrenched out the door. It started to let out a wail but it was cut short. I threw my hands up over my head and cowered in the corner too afraid to look at what other terrifying thing had appeared.

"Amelia?" A voice I was struggling to recall sounded from the doorway. I'd heard it somewhere before...but where? It was a soothing, gentle voice. "Amelia?" The voice was getting closer. "You're safe now, I'll get you out of here."

Safe? I didn't feel safe...I wasn't sure if I'd ever feel safe again. Wait...get out of here? I wasn't allowed to move! If I moved, I'd get attacked.

"NO!" I screamed in a panic and rocked in the corner as tears streamed down my cheeks, "I'm not allowed to move..." I choked on a sob. "It'll hurt me if I move." I cried.

"Sh. It's alright." A gentle hand rested atop my head, "you're safe now."

I glanced upward and spotted a man with neatly combed blonde hair wearing a denim suit. Best Jeanist! More tears welled in my eyes. Was I really safe? I held my breath and flinched as he picked me up. Panic settled in, I could hear the Nomu's wail in the back of my mind and I cowered in fear.

"'s not safe...they'll hurt you..." I cried.

Best Jeanist carried me out of the room keeping a firm yet gentle hold on me as if he were trying to comfort me. I didn't feel very comforted, I kept thinking of the terrifying Nomu and what it was going to do the moment it was free and realized I'd left my spot. We passed the morgue I'd been calling home for however long I'd been trapped in this hell and a shiver rolled down my spine. I'd never ventured to this side of the hall. It opened up into what looked like a warehouse. There were strange pods filled with liquid. There were other heroes fishing people out of other pods.

Despite the other heroes present, I couldn't relax or calm down. I was in a state of frantic panic waiting for The Nomu to jump out at me at any second. "'s not safe...they'll hurt you...all of you..." I protested weakly. My body felt like it was on fire and I was seeing everything through a somewhat foggy haze.

"Don't you worry." Best Jeanist assured me quietly as he carried me to a giant of a woman by the name of Mt. Lady. She was pretty and had crimson eyes and long pale hair and was currently taller than most buildings and trying to squeeze into the giant warehouse to assist everyone. Best Jeanist looked up at her, "get Amelia to a hospital as quick as possible."

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