Chapter Forty One

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~Amy's POV~

"Yuwai-chan, that tickles." I giggled as Koda's bunny nuzzled my neck as I laid on the floor of his room trying to read the newest pony comic. We were going to have our first movie night in the dorm. Dad, Mr. Aizawa and even Present Mic agreed to join in.

The soft fluffy white rabbit, tired of not being the center of my attention, hopped atop my stomach causing me to let out another giggle. I set the comic down and gently rubbed her soft ears. Koda looked over to see I'd lost the battle and let out the tiniest of laughs.

"Thanks for keeping her distracted for me." He spoke up in his small voice as he finished cleaning Yuwai-chan's cage.

"Anytime." I beamed as she sprawled out across my abdomen demanding more snuggles and attention.

I closed my eyes and hugged the snuggly soft bunny feeling a sense of peace and calm. Though I luckily hadn't woken up my friends again, I was still having horrible nightmares and sleep was quite difficult. My talks with Mr. Aizawa seemed to be helping as I was able to fall asleep a little easier, staying asleep was the problem. Before I knew it, I'd drifted to sleep snuggling with Yuwai-chan. I felt someone drape a super soft blanket over me as I fell asleep hugging Yuwai-chan.

"Where the hell did she go?!" Bakugo's roar of rage startled me from my slumber and my eyes shot open as it sounded as if someone had kicked down Koda's door.

I sat up off the floor with a somewhat disgruntled Yuwai-chan in my arms. It looked like Yuwai-chan had thrown a scowl in Bakugo's direction as we both looked at him standing in the doorway. Koda let out a soft yelp from the beanbag chair he'd been reading in while Yuwai-chan and I had been napping. Bakugo's crimson eyes fell on me sitting on the floor with a now grumpy Yuwai-chan, who was most assuredly glaring at him, in my arms.

"The hell is the fluffball's problem?" He growled.

"You." I giggled and Koda nodded in agreement.

Bakugo shot a glare at Koda before returning his attention to me, his gaze softened, "if you want my help, the least you could do is be on time, Crybaby." He grumbled softly.

"Huh, what time is it?" I gently set Yuwai-chan down on the floor next to me. She huffed angrily at Bakugo before flopping across my leg possessively.

Koda covered his mouth to keep from snickering, I assumed that meant Yuwai-chan must have said something not so nice about Bakugo that only Koda could understand.

Bakugo held up his phone. I was already fifteen minutes late for our training. I blanched at this, "ah-, s-sorry Katsuki, I fell asleep."

He surprisingly didn't snap at me, "hurry up." He grumbled softly and held the door open for me.

I scooted Yuwai-chan off of my leg and gave her a few more ear rubs before turning to Koda, "thanks for letting me come over, sorry I wasn't very good company." I apologized.

Koda offered me a smile and waved his hands as if to say it was fine but seemed a little too anxious to speak up in Bakugo's presence.

"Still on for movie night?" I asked.

"I'll save you a seat." He spoke in his tiny voice.

I couldn't help but smile, "see you later, Koji-kun."

Bakugo shot a dark look in Koda's direction as I made my way toward the door. "What movie night?" He growled.

"We're having a movie night for the new pony movie in the common room." I pointed.

Bakugo looked as if he were uncomfortable as he mulled something over before snapping at me, "you didn't invite me."

I jumped at his sudden outburst, "but you don't like cute things-."

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