Chapter Twenty Two

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~Amy's POV~

After everyone's internships were over, classes resumed as normal. Thanks to Recovery Girl my injuries were all healed but I still felt sore if I tried to move around too much and I was tired constantly. It had gotten so bad I'd fallen asleep during class with Present Mic and woke up to find myself in the teacher's lounge bundled up in a pink princess sleeping bag that had appeared out of nowhere during my recovery.

After one of our hero classes with Dad, Jiro caught Mineta trying to peep in the girl's locker room. She said he was saying some lewd things about all the girls. She'd been planning on using her quirk to poke him in the eye with her earphone jack when he tried to peer through the peephole but didn't get the chance as the hole was suddenly filled with cloudy ice. It had been so intense the entire wall had turned cold. There was a chorus of shouts from the boy's locker room followed by an explosion and we heard Mineta go flying out into the hallway, it sounded like Bakugo had kicked him out.

Since we'd all been studying hard for our exams, Midoriya suggested we all go out as a class and do something fun together to unwind so nobody got burnt out from studying too much. The weekend before finals we were all going to meet up at a mall and spend the day together as a class. I was a little nervous as I'd never really gone out with a group of friends before, since I'd never really had friends before coming to UA.

Dad seemed more nervous than I was and tried to convince me to wear baggy sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt. It was going to be much too hot for that. I settled on a pair of lavender shorts and a cute sea foam green top with pretty geometric designs in a soft lavender color. It wasn't too cutesy or revealing, in my opinion but Dad still had a minor freak out before saying it was fine. He'd been planning on taking me himself, but I was worried he'd draw too much attention and pleaded with him to let me go on my own.

As I was getting ready to leave, there was a knock at the door. Dad went to answer it as if he'd been expecting someone to arrive. Maybe he and Naomasa were going to spend the day together since I was going out with my classmates.

"Young Midoriya! What a pleasant surprise!" Dad's voice was way too loud for this to be a 'pleasant surprise'.

I peered around him and saw Midoriya standing on our doorstep looking nervous. "H-hey All Might." His face was bright red and he was stammering more than usual, "I thought I'd w-walk with Amy to the station." He smiled nervously.

I looked between the pair of them curiously as I saw Dad try to slyly give Midoriya a thumb's up for remembering his lines. "Dad...if you were worried and wanted me to walk with Izuku, you could have just said something..." I giggled softly causing them both to jump.

"Ah—whatever do you mean Princess? This is a complete surprise." Dad laughed nervously.

I shook my head at this and peered around him at the red faced Midoriya, "Good Morning Izuku."

His face turned even redder, "g-good morning!" He practically screamed at me before covering his burning face with his arms.

"Did you have breakfast already?" I asked him curiously.

"Ah...n-no, I was worried about being late..." He trailed off in a mumble fit, I thought I heard him say something about not needing to leave an hour early and wondered if he'd just been pacing around in our front yard until he was able to knock on the door.

"We have time, I can make you something—" I began but paused as Dad made some kind of strange choking sound. I thought I heard him say something about 'oh no, a home cooked meal, what do I do?' but it was too mumbled for me to make out clearly. "Um...are you two okay?" I asked worried, they were both being stranger than usual.

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