Chapter Twenty Seven

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~All Might's POV~

After a day of dead ends and bad leads, I returned home late at night. I'd hoped to get home at a reasonable time so I could spend some time with Amy before she left for her training camp the following morning, bright and early. As I opened the front door, the first thing I noticed was the sound of the adorable ponies she'd grown to love so much, she'd been watching the show lately. The second thing I noticed was a stack of board games sitting on the dining room table. I smiled to myself, thinking she must have invited one of the girls from her class over so she wouldn't get lonely. I was relieved to know she hadn't spent the day alone worrying.

I shut the door quietly and stepped into the dining room and glanced over at the living room. Warning! Boy! Boy in house! Cannot Compute! Panic! The faint whirring of an imaginary alarm went off in my head. An inhuman sound I'd never made before escaped me and I involuntarily shifted into my muscular form as I spotted Amy wrapped in a blanket, with a very familiar boy who had made his way to the top of my 'keep away from Amy' list holding her in his arms. They were both sound asleep on the loveseat. The sound that escaped me was a cross between a panicked shriek and an angry growl and startled them both awake. They sprung away from each other and turned to me in a dazed panic still disoriented and groggy from their nap. If I didn't have such strong feelings about keeping boys away from Amy, I would have thought the scene cute but the internal rage and panic trumped everything else.

TOSHINORI! BEAT THAT BOY TO A BLOODY PULP! GET HIM AWAY FROM OUR DAUGHTER! Ayumi's voice raged in the back of my mind. I wasn't entirely sure what expression was on my face but had a feeling it must be terrifying as both Amy and Young Shinso paled considerably. On top of Ayumi's raging, the alarm bells were going insane repeating "Warning! Boy!" over and over again.

What the hell was a I supposed to do?! I wasn't equipped to handle this kind of crisis, despite Ayumi's suggestion to beat the boy to a bloody pulp, I couldn't do that (no matter how much I wanted to). I was The Symbol of Peace; I couldn't beat up children simply for getting too friendly with my daughter. As this thought crossed my mind, I repeated the phrase 'too friendly' a few times to myself before remembering the nature of his quirk. All capability to think rationally was suddenly gone as I thought of him using his quirk to put Amy in a compromising position. I clenched my fists at my sides.

"Ah...I should go..." Shinso cleared his throat nervously.

"Smart lad." My voice came out in a snarl, surprising even myself. I'd never felt this kind of rage before. It wasn't safe for the boy to be here any longer in my current state, I feared I might actually unleash hell on him.

Shinso headed for the door.

I stopped him as a fraction of my rationality came back, "it's late, I'll call you a cab but you're waiting on the porch." I grumbled. No matter how much I despised the boy at this very moment, I was still a UA teacher and he a UA student it would be irresponsible of me to let him find his way home alone at this hour.

"Alright," he looked apprehensive and like he thought better than to argue with me, which was a smart move on his part, "by the way, don't be upset with The Princess...I really didn't give her a choice." He admitted nobly.

Amy looked to him wide eyed, "Hitoshi, that's no-."

I held my hand up to stop her and she threw a heartbreaking look back at me. I was too upset right now to be able to process anything she had to say rationally. "I figured as much." I responded coolly.

Shinso offered a smile to Amy, "see ya around, Princess Scaredy Cat."

"Don't count on it." I grumbled.

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