Chapter Forty Nine

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~Toshinori's POV~

I went to check on Amy on the weekend after her first week back after getting her provisional license. As I walked across campus, in the directions of the dorms, I paused as I saw her standing in the middle of one of the practice fields with Bakugo. I watched in terror as Bakugo swung a first at her. She reacted quickly, bringing her arm up and knocking Bakugo's arm to the side, throwing off his trajectory.

He recovered quickly with another swing but she deflected it with ease. A proud smile spread across his lips, distracting him long enough he didn't see her retaliatory attack coming. Her small fist collided into his face while he was momentarily distracted.

"AH!" Amy squealed as she realized she'd hit him, "Katsuki! I'm so sorry!"

"What did I tell you?!" He growled and caught her in a headlock.

"EEP!" Amy panicked as he flicked her atop the head. "N-not to apologize?"

"So quit." Bakugo grumbled and released her from his hold with a smirk.

"Oh no! It's bruising!" Amy cried as she leaned in closer to examine his face, "we need to get ice!"

Bakugo shook his head and let out a sigh, "you're really too much." He grabbed her by the waist and effortlessly tossed her over his shoulder. "Stop freaking out, it's fine."

I spotted the chipmunk that had recently begun to accompany Amy wherever she went scramble from it's nearby perch to race after them. It hurriedly climbed Bakugo's body to reach Amy.

Amy suddenly let out a squeal as the chipmunk scampered up her leg, "what was that?!"

"The stupid tree rat." Bakugo huffed.

Amy spotted the chipmunk and caught him in her hands, "he's a chipmunk!"

"Same difference." Bakugo shrugged. He paused as he spotted me and his eyes grew wide as he realized once again he was manhandling my daughter in front of me. Without a word he gently set her on her feet and spun her around to face me.

Amy spotted me and her face lit up, "Dad!" She ran toward me and threw her arms around me. The chipmunk wriggled out of her hold and hurriedly scrambled atop her head.

I caught her in a hug, "good evening Princess."

"What are you doing here?" She asked me with a smile as I squeezed her tight. The chipmunk atop her head appeared to be trying to separate us as it attempted to shove me from atop her head.

"I thought we could get some ice cream and maybe take a trip to the bookstore." I smiled.

"Really?" Her bright baby blue eyes lit up with excitement.

I nodded.

Amy hesitated and threw a look back at Bakugo as she took a step away from me. "I should make sure Katsuki gets back to the dorm and gets some ice."

Bakugo sighed and shook his head before snapping, "I told you it's fine!"

"But-." Amy began to protest but Bakugo stormed toward her and aggressively ruffled her hair, nearly knocking her over in the process. As he did, the chipmunk punched and kicked his hand. I held back a laugh the whole thing was ridiculous and adorable.

"Get outta my sight Crybaby." He grumbled before walking away in the direction of the dorm on his own.

Amy watched him go looking guilt ridden and worried. She was undoubtedly beating herself up over it and probably truly believed she'd injured Bakugo, though he looked completely fine. There was hardly any discoloration, it was just a little red and would probably be gone in an hour.

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