Chapter Ten

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~Amy's POV~

On my way home from school, I had my nose buried in a book using my peripheral vision to avoid bumping into anyone. I'd gotten quite skilled at reading and walking back when I lived in the states. It was easier to block out the bullies comments when I was reading a good book. As I stepped to the side to avoid a gaggle of high school students, one of them intentionally blocked my path pulling my gaze from the book in my hands.

I politely bowed my head, "Sorry, excuse me." I tried to move around the tall boy but he blocked my path again.

"Hey, are you All Might's daughter?" The boy asked me curiously causing the rest of the high school students to pause. A few other passersby on the sidewalk turned to look. I could hear lots of frantic whispers all around.

"What?! Really?"

"I didn't know All Might had a kid."

"That's really cool."

Their voices sounded all around me and I clutched the book in my hands a little tighter. I didn't like having this much attention. Keeping my head bowed, I nodded in response to the boy in front of me.

"That's gotta be really cool, your dad is the greatest." The boy smiled.

"Y-yeah." I replied meekly. "I-I'm s-sorry but I need to get home." I didn't want to make them mad by running away and didn't know how to excuse myself from the conversation.

"Oh, yeah, no problem." The boy smiled, "it was nice meeting you, we're all big fans of your dad, just let him know we're all rooting for him." He moved out of the way.

"Th-thanks...I w-will." I bowed once more before scurrying away quickly keeping my head buried in my book.

As I continued on my way, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Someone was watching me. I kept my nose in my book and scanned around me with my eyes. I noticed a group of high school aged boys who didn't appear to be wearing school uniforms across the street on the opposite side walk. They were keeping pace with me. I didn't like that it seemed like all of them were looking at me.

Deciding I didn't want to lead them to the house, I took a random turn. If they really were following me, they'd have to cross the street. Picking up the pace I took another random turn. Now the fine hairs on my arms were standing on end, they followed me.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." I mumbled softly to myself and took another turn before realizing I had no idea where I was, I was in another part of town.

The boys followed me. I picked up the pace to a brisk walk. They kept my pace. I snapped my book shut and held it tightly in my good hand as I moved to a slow jog and took another turn at random. A gasp escaped me as I realized I'd ducked into an alley and turned to go back. My heart sputtered in my chest as I saw the group of high school aged boys in dark clothing blocking my exit.

I turned back around preparing to run through the dirty alley to get away from them when one of them called out to me, "are you really All Might's daughter?" I chanced a glance over my shoulder to the boy that had spoken, his hair was dyed a vibrant acidic green color. He appeared to be their leader as he stood front and center.


"That's a shame." He took a step forward and some of his friends chuckled.

"W-why?" I asked shakily as I took a step back.

"Your old man put my old man in jail." He said coolly as he took another step toward me.

"I-I'm sorry...but I-I d-don't know what th-that has to do with me?" I took a few more trembling steps away from him as fear gripped my heart. His friends were moving with him, fanning out, they were trying to corner me.

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