Chapter Forty Two

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~Toshinori's POV~

I left the psychiatrist's office feeling a little emotional. This was a big step, I knew that and if I were being completely honest with myself it was probably much needed. I'd finally listened to Aizawa's advice and sought help. It wasn't healthy for me to cling to this bizarre hallucination of Ayumi I had created for myself as a way to help me cope with all the new stresses that parenthood brought with it and the loss of the only woman I'd ever loved.

After leaving the psychiatrist's office, I stopped at a store for some of Amy's favorite snacks and a new pony plushie before heading to campus. My session with the psychiatrist had made me feel a little more level headed and even tempered that I was sure I could survive movie night with Koda, he was probably the least threatening of the students who seemed to be a part of what Shinso called her 'harem'. It would be a nice stress free night with my princess, one of her classmates and some of my colleagues.

I arrived at the dorm with a plush pony under one arm and a bag full of snacks in the other. As I opened the door and stepped into the dorm, I spotted way more people than I'd been expecting. Amy was in the kitchen preparing a vegetable tray. Monoma was sitting atop the counter beside her receiving scathing looks from Bakugo, who was angrily chopping vegetables next to Amy without even looking at what he was chopping, and Todoroki who was leaning against the counter behind Amy. Young Midoriya looked to be in search of a tray while throwing worried looks back at Amy surrounded by boys. Shinso was standing a few feet from Todoroki surveying the scene before him with a faint scowl.

"Oh, he's not going to take this well." I heard Present Mic remark nearby and turned to see Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight standing at the entrance to the common room where all of Class 1A and some of class 1B were gathered.

Movie night seemed to have gotten bigger than I had expected. As I was trying to process all the young boys surrounding Amy in the kitchen, I noticed bruising on her arms and some dried blood on her lower lip and my brain shut down as I flew into overbearing panicked parent mode.

"Amy!" I managed to phase into my muscular form for a fraction of a second as I darted to her side and grabbed hold of her without thinking.

She let out a panicked squeak and lost her hold on the knife in her hand. Bakugo and Monoma reacted with lightning quick reflexes, Bakugo caught the knife and Monoma gently shoved Amy back a step out of harm's way. She stumbled backward and fell into my arms. Her bright baby blues were wide as she looked up at me in awe.

"Dad?" She blinked up at me adorably.

"What happened?" I asked worried as I looked at the fresh bruises all over her arms and her busted lip.

Amy hesitated.

"I saw the angry one beating her up in one of the practice fields." Monoma smirked, causing Bakugo to turn very pale.

"That's no-." Amy began but I didn't hear the rest of her words as I turned on Bakugo as my vision suddenly went red.

"What?!" I felt an anger like no other bubble up inside of me.

Kill that punk, Toshinori, knock his head off! Ayumi's voice raged in my head. I was going to have a lot to talk with my psychiatrist about next session.

"EEP!" Young Midoriya squealed and dropped the tray he'd finally found startled by my anger.

"We just let whatever happens, happen, right?" Present Mic asked Aizawa curiously.

"I want to say yes, but I feel like we should stop him from murdering a student." Aizawa sighed, sounding as if that were the last thing he wanted to do.

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