Chapter Twenty Nine

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~Toshinori's POV~

I paced nervously in the teacher's lounge. Young Shinso was using some of the school's facilities to further his training in hopes to get into the hero course. I owed him an apology. My words and dismissal of him could have been damaging to his psyche and Amy had tried to explain to me that I had the wrong idea about him, though I was too upset and wouldn't let her. Though Amy and I were back on good terms, I still felt awful. I wasn't ready for boys and they just kept showing up. There were too many of them, I was having trouble keeping track of all of them.

Finding my resolve, I left the teachers lounge and headed to the gym where I knew he'd be. As I stepped through the gymnasium doors, I spotted Shinso looking somewhat out of breath, he'd been here for a while. He was pushing himself too hard. He had a scarf around his neck similar to the one Aizawa had and was currently trying to hurl it at various targets to get better control over it. He turned as the doors slammed shut behind me and his indigo eyes grew wide. I felt a pang of guilt as he took a fearful step back.

I was a hero; I'd never gotten this kind of reaction out of someone who wasn't a villain. I'd gone too far. In my attempt to keep Amy safe, I'd crossed a line. I kept my distance and offered him a strained smile as I extended my hand in an attempt to show him, I didn't mean him any harm. "Ah...I owe you an apology..."

He kept his distance, "you don't. I already told you it was my fault. You were justified-."

"Amy said you were lying." I cut him off.

He looked as if he were going to try to argue but sighed, "well, no use arguing, she's the more trustworthy one."

"I could have handled last night, a lot better." I admitted. "I'm still new to this...I haven't had a lot of time with my daughter and I am not ready for there to be boys in her life."

"In case you didn't notice, she already has a harem of knights in shining armor." Shinso pointed with a snicker.

"I have noticed and I have no idea how to handle it." I groaned.

Shinso started to relax a little once he realized I wasn't hostile, "you trust her, don't you?"

"Of course, I do, it's everyone else who can't be trusted...and she's so sweet and a little naïve, I worry." I sighed.

"That's fair, she did tell me I should ask her in advance if it's an okay time to kidnap her in the future...and there's a lot wrong with that." Shinso frowned and shook his head.

"Oh no, it's worse than I thought." I groaned before shooting him a dark look, "and don't kidnap my daughter anymore."

Shinso shrugged his shoulders, "sometimes she needs it."

I unconsciously clenched my fists in anger at this and Shinso took another fearful step back. I realized I was clenching my fists and eased my grip trying to force myself to relax and not get worked up. Amy trusted him; he couldn't be too bad for her to think so highly of him. I just had to give him a chance. I took a deep breath to calm myself and fixed him with a stern, hopefully non-threatening, look.

Shinso tensed.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" I asked him stiffly.

He paled slightly, "is there an answer to that question that lets me walk away unscathed?"

I glared at him.

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