Chapter Twenty

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~Amy's POV~

After the Sports Festival, I was surprised to find I had the most offers from agencies out of anyone else in the class event though I hadn't made it past the first event. Bakugo and Todoroki seemed annoyed by this. Midoriya didn't get any offers and rather than feel dejected by it he happily congratulated me. With the Sports Festival over, we were to pick a Hero Agency to intern at and pick our hero names. When it was my turn to present my Hero Name, which I had been planning on going with 'Amelia', Present Mic came barreling into the classroom stole my whiteboard and held up a sign that said 'Princess Might'. Midnight, who had been overseeing our hero name choices, loved it. Mr. Aizawa kicked Present Mic out of our classroom after that, perhaps a little too violently and so my hero name was now Princess Might.

Most surprising of all the offers I'd gotten, was an offer from Endeavor's Hero Agency. Just the thought of interning with him was enough to give me nightmares. I'd also gotten an offer from my Dad's former partner, Sir Nighteye, but that seemed to make Dad nervous. Best Jeanist had made me an offer and I felt like I'd be fairly comfortable interning with him but I was still worried I'd mess up somehow and cause him trouble. He'd been so nice; I didn't want to be a bother for him and I knew I'd feel better if I interned with someone, I felt more comfortable. That left only one choice, Grampa Torino.

I was happy to find that Midoriya was also interning with Grampa Torino and now felt a lot less nervous about the internship. Between Grampa Torino and Midoriya, I knew I'd be safe and they both knew how to calm me down if I lost control of my quirk at any point.

"All Might seemed pretty freaked out about us interning here." Midoriya pointed as we stepped off the train and made our way toward the spot marked on our map to the location of Grampa Torino's place.

"He does get a little weird around, Grampa Torino." I giggled.

"Grampa?" Midoriya paled.

"He's not really my grandfather, it's what I've always called him, he used to visit me and my mom when we lived in The States. I think you'll like him once you get to know him." I smiled.

Midoriya's nervousness seemed to lessen a little. "Then I'm sure he's a great person." He mirrored my smile with one of his own. We reached the building marked on our map and made our way up the steps. Midoriya stepped in front of me to open the door. He had regained some of his confidence but still seemed a little nervous as he poked his head through the door. "H-hello, we're here from UA High, it's Izuku Midoriya and Amelia Takada. I'm really looking forward to- AHHH!!! Holy whoa! He's dead!" He suddenly cried in a panic.

I peered around him to look inside to see Grampa Torino lying face first in what looked like a puddle of ketchup. Before I could try to calm him down and warn him about Grampa Torino's shenanigans, Grampa Torino lifted his head with a casual smile, "I'm alive."

I bit my lip to keep from giggling as Midoriya freaked out even more at this, "AHH! He's alive!"

"Grampa Torino, it's not nice to play those kinds of pranks on people." I giggled.

"Oh! It's my little Amelia!" Grampa Torino smiled as he hopped to his feet. He had a knotted cane in his hand and was currently playing the feeble old man card as he appeared to be shaking as if standing was a lot of effort.

"Grampa Torino, you shouldn't scare Izuku like that." I scolded him as we stepped inside and I glanced around at the small kitchen area for something to clean up the mess he'd made.

Grampa Torino played it off with what he thought was an absent-minded chuckle, "whoopsie, I was carrying a nice big plate of sausages covered in ketchup when I accidentally tripped and fell down, clumsy me." He dusted off his white uniform and looked up at Midoriya, "now who did you say you were?" With my quirk I was easily able to clean up the mess. I shook my head at Grampa Torino as I realized he was in an ornery mood.

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