Chapter Twenty One

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~Toshinori's POV~

Despite Gran Torino's assurances that Amy was going to be fine and there was no permanent damage, I rushed to Hosu General Hospital after our phone call. I arrived to find Endeavor in the main lobby looking somewhat conflicted. It was a strange look to see on the usually surly man's face. It seemed like he was at war with himself. From what I'd heard from Gran Torino, Endeavor had saved Amy, I owed him a great deal.

I approached him and heard him muttering something to himself, it sounded like 'what's so scary?'. "Yo, Endeavor, long time no see." I went with what I hoped was a neutral enough tone.

He turned and scowled at me, "what the hell is wrong with your child?!"

Was he in this state because he'd saved Amy? "Uh?" I wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"What kind of reaction is it to scream in terror at the person who saves you from a literal monster?!" He roared.

"Ah." So that was what had happened. Knowing Amy, she probably thought Endeavor was scarier than a monster. "Perhaps if you tried smiling mor-."

"Who asked you?!" Endeavor roared at me.

I resisted the urge to point out that he'd literally just asked me and instead offered him a polite bow, "thank you for saving Amy. I owe you-."

"I don't want your thanks." He growled at me before turning and walking away.

"Ah...okay...nice talk..." I watched him storm away before heading off in the direction of Amy's room. When I arrived, I got a strange foreboding sense of déjà vu of when I'd first met her. My heart dropped. The last time she'd had to stay in a hospital, she'd lost her mother. This had to be bringing back all those painful memories. I should have come sooner! What kind of parent was I to leave her to suffer alone?! "AMY!" I yelled in a panic and burst through the door of the room I'd been told she was in.

Young Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki were all sitting on a hospital bed next to Amy's playing a game of cards and jumped at my sudden outburst and arrival. Amy was sound asleep in the bed next to theirs. Just like the first time I'd seen her, she looked ghostly pale and so small and fragile alone in her hospital bed. I didn't want to disturb her even if my initial reaction was to run to her and pull her into my arms. I had to resist the urge, I didn't want to hinder her recovery or somehow embarrass her in front of her peers.

"All Might." The boys looked to me in awe.

"Ah...sorry about that." I offered them a smile and lowered my voice. Chancing a glance behind me, I blanched as I realized I'd knocked the sliding style door off it's tracks in my haste to get to Amy. "Not to worry, I'll fix it." Nervously I scrambled to fix the door so as not to get in trouble with the hospital.

The boys were watching me closely as I fixed the door before stepping further into their room. I glanced over at Amy's bed fighting the urge to run to her. It's not like I'd be much help right now. I turned my attention to the bandaged-up trio of boys. My brain was too frazzled with worry for Amy to think of any uplifting speeches, lectures or any words to really be of help to them. I looked to young Midoriya before glancing back at Amy's sleeping form.

"I heard she saved a lot of people." Young Iida spoke up with a smile and the other two nodded.

Of course, she did, she was a natural, but seeing her like this, I wasn't so sure I could handle her living the life of a hero. I'd been a wreck hearing she'd been injured, I was still kind of a wreck on the inside, I had no idea how I was keeping it together, hearing her voice on the phone had helped but seeing her now I knew she'd been putting on a brave face for me, to make me feel better.

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