the next story: Yeonbin

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A short sneak peek for the next fanfic which is a role play with Racheliskpoptrash

Soobin X Yeonjun

Your Hero

Yeonjun: FINALLY *I yell as the lesson is over. I get up and run into one of the tall guys in my class* move, asshat. *I pushed him and got out of the class*

Soobin: *I almost fell to the ground but caught myself before my head hit the desk* What the hell man?! *massages my wrists as I watched him leave*

Yeonjun: *I ignore him and roll my eyes. I kept going and realised the people in my class started to talk about heroes. I stopped and walked back into the room* just wanted you idiots to understand- heroes aren't shit. *I laughed, then noticed the tall guy looking at me, and looked into his eyes and glared, finally seeing him a little scared* what is it, pretty boy?

Soobin: *I slightly backed away as I played with my fingers* what do you have against heroes anyway? They help people

Yeonjun: they think they're almighty powers that control own lives like we depend on them. *I twisted my face with disgust.* It makes me annoyed. They also make a lot of noise. I just want to sleep not hear stuff explode. Fucking hell. *I rushed out*

Soobin: *I sighed as I sat down on my desk to catch my breath, I hadn't realized I was holding it in. My heart was pumping.* shit why does this always happen *mutters to myself. Why does the douche of my class always make me so nervous? I eventually collected my books and walked out of the classroom.*

Yeonjun: *I sat against my locker and took out my lunch. I'm not even hungry. I saw the tall guy getting out of the class and going through his bag, then sighing, holding his stomach with a frown. Ugh, I'm not going to eat this anyway. I got up and shoved it in his hands before walking away, not looking back*

Soobin: *I looked down at my hands and saw the food, i quickly caught hold of your wrist to stop you. As you turned around i let go* t-thank you *bows slightly* are you sure you don't want it?

Yeonjun: I'm not hungry. *I said simply and just kept going.* Eat up.

Soobin: *despite my pounding chest I quickly ran up to walk beside you* are you sure? You should eat too ya know?

Yeonjun: *i took the apple and bit down on it* see ya. *I walked away*

Soobin: *I stood their in silence before sitting against some lockers and pulling a sandwich out of the bag I was given, as I slowly ate I was lost in thought. Was he right by saying all superheroes thought too highly of themselves? Maybe he was right.. I wasn't anyone special, just someone who was loudly jumping off buildings in the middle of the night*

Yeonjun: *i put my earphones in and walked home. Once I got there I just layed on my bed and actually did my homework. Yeah, how do the teachers think I'm so smart?

Soobin: *when I got home I got out my suit and mask from my closet. I definitely wasn't in the mood. After I was dressed for my shift I jumped out my window and ran through the city across the roofs, I eventually slowed down and sat on the edge of a random building, letting my legs dangle as I stared at the sunset*

Yeonjun: *when I finished the homework I heard something knocking on my window harshly* what the fuck? *I rushed to open it. It was legs. I pinched the leg harshly* YAH GET OFF OF MY ROOF

Soobin: *I jumped in surprise and I feel off the roof. My hands were able to grab hold of the roof ledge so now we were face to face, I felt like my soul had left its body as I saw who it was. Calm down Soobin, ya got this* technically I'm not on your roof

Yeonjun: *i gritted my teeth* not if I push you you don't.

Soobin: even if you did push me I'd easily catch myself *swings so I sat on your windowsill as I smirked*

Yeonjun: fuck you. It's actually a coincidence that you're here. *I thought out loud.* There's a crime I'd like you to help me with.

Soobin: is the crime your bad attitude?

Yeonjun: haha, we're going to have a problem I see. *I said sarcastically before grabbing the collar of his shirt* there's been a dude on my roof banging his feet on my window and the real crime will happen if he won't get the fuck out of here. Got it? *I tightened my hold on him*

Soobin: *smirks* I'll gladly leave. I was just taking a rest as I watched the sunset but do you really think you can do anything to me? *pulls my neck back and makes you fall towards me. Before you could hit my chest I caught you with my arm. Our faces were deadly close.* if anything I could fuck you up real badly, I wouldn't test someone 10 times your strength * pushes you back away from me*

Yeonjun: *I gulped* fucking superheroes. You guys think you got everyone wrapped around your finger. I don't give a shit about your strength. You're still a person. Just like me. *I tightened my fists* and like every person in the world, I hate it when someone bangs on my window with their feet and brags about themselves. Go watch the sunset where I won't see your ugly face. *I closed the window and tried to study again*

Soobin: *your words stung. I didn't want to bother you anymore so I took out my field journal and ripped out a page before writing,'"okay 1 I didnt mean to bang on your window. I was just trying to relax and 2, I know your right okay? I know I'm not special. At least you get a normal life, I'll leave you to study, good day sir" I slipped the note in the crack of the window and jumped to the ground and started to walk away*

Yeonjun: *i opened my window to check if he was still there. He wasn't. But there was a note. Dammit now I feel like an asshole. I took my head out of my window.* Wait!! Come back here! *I sighed and shook my head. He probably didn't hear me. I put a bottle of juice at the window with a note "I was an asshole. Have juice" and closed my window*

Soonin: *I heard your yell and turned back. I eyed the juice and climbed back up to the window. I sat on the edge and drank the juice as I stared at you through the window*

Yeonjun: *I felt too hot so I took off my shirt, and took my guitar, closing my eyes. I started to sing and play a little. Cavetown. Obviously. Because depression is fun.*

Soobin: *my eyes went wide as you took off your shirt. I looked away as listened to you sing, who knew you could sing. I felt like I was invading your privacy so I quickly wrote another note "I heard your yell, thank you for the juice and btw you have a really pretty voice, since I didnt want to disturb you in your moment I'll leave me phone number here. Just incase you want to continue yelling at me. sincerely, JawBreaker"  I jumped down once again and took the juice with me. Well this was interesting*

Yeonjun: *I finished the song and opened the window to see a note and not the juice. Now I see that I made a very bad mistake. I looked down. Yes. I'm still shirtless. Great. Maybe if I just... Didn't contact him he'd just leave me alone. And won't make as much noise, hopefully.* JawBreaker... *I blushed. Fucking superheroes...* I'm just going to... *I pinned the note on my board* yeah. I don't want this to... Happen. *I mumbled and tried to fall asleep. It was already late. I felt like I should call him. But... He's just a jerk. I just have to remember this. I fell asleep quickly*


Go read the rest of Your Hero, the first chapter is published already❤️

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