45- We Won't Ever Forget Bob

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Yoongi's POV

"Yeah, that's right, fuckers!" I screamed at the car that was speeding off, "run away like the fucking bitches that you are!"

So... What now?

Don't get me wrong, making these idiots scared for their lives because of a penguin was fun, but it's kind of cold here. I miss Master's bed and Master's hugs and kisses. How do I get back? I tried to track Master's scent, but after a while of walking in circles around myself I realised it was coming from my clothes and my hair.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I can't get back home. I'm lost. I want my Master. Master Y/n would have hugged me and kissed the tip on my nose and tell me that everything will be okay while wiping my tears away...

Wait, tears?

I touched my cheek and was shocked to feel wetness on it. I couldn't believe I was crying so much.

Before I could stop myself, I walked over and leaned over the wall of the ice court building, slid down, and hugged my knees, not understanding why everything is so blurry and why is it impossible to breath correctly.

I felt so alone, so scared and helpless.

I couldn't even stop this! In my head I shouted at myself to stop crying, and tried to collect my breath, but it was impossible. Master once told us about things like that. She called it 'anxiety attacks'.

I hugged my legs tightly, burying my head in between them, trying to at least get warmer. So cold...

I held the knife in front of myself and looked at how shiny it was. I still had a hard time breathing. I gave it a look of desperation.

"You're really pretty. But you're no help." I tossed it to the side. I looked at it as it slid away from me and got stuck in a wallet- hey look, a wallet.

I forced myself to get up, thrying to push away the thoughts about Master and my situation. I would do anything to calm down becauss that would be good for me.

"Yayyyy, a walleeeeet." I chuckled tiredly, desperate to find something to lift my spirits.

Inside the wallet there were a few 100$ bills and a lot of coins that could barely fit in my hand as I held them. I didn't bother counting them, and then I noticed an ID card. I quickly tossed all of the coins behind my back and held the ID up in the air in victory and laughed my evil laughter.

I lowered my hand and looked closer at the card.

Hmm. Yeah.

Still can't read.

Instead of trying to read what it said I looked at the picture. It was the one that screamed first. In the photo, he still had his mask on. That's weird. Eh, whatever. At least I found something.

I leaned down and held my knife in the other hand. Suddenly I heard shuffling behind me.

I turned around quickly and saw a young girl trying collecting all of the coins that I dropped. She looked unhealthily thin and hungry, her eyes were swollen and tired and her hair look messy.

"Hey... Don't be scared." I looked at her as she stared at my hand. I looked at the knife in my hand and realised why she was so frightened.

I tossed the knife away, crouching down and putting the wallet in my pocket along with the ID card. I started picking up the coins, not breaking eye contact with her. She was still very wary of me.

"I'm sorry about the knife." I piled up the coins in my hand and stretched my arm towards her, "it's okay. Please take it "

She looked at the coins in my hand, then at the ground, checking if there were any left on the floor. There were non. She looked into my eyes before taking the coins.

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