1-Cute Expensive Dolls

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So yeah. I'm pretty lonely.

My job is my favorite thing to do. I'm a known singer, rapper, and a dancer, I play the piano, the drums, the guitar, the ukulele and a few more. I am also a song writer and I speak 2 languages... But you didn't ask me that so nevermind hehe😅.

But when I preform and stuff I don't go by my own name. I am an anonymous artist. Cool right?

Well... I do get paid a lot. And when I say a lot I mean A LOT.
Money wont be my problem in the next 30 or 40 years. My problem is that I am so lonely.

I am right now on my way back home from my work and as I turn my head randomly to look around I notice a new shop that wasn't there before.
As I walk in I notice how strange and creepy this place is. There is low purple lighting. I come to the cashier and ask, "Does this shop sell love?"
He looks at me with a shocked look and said, "Y-yeah. How did you?"

"Oh it's the lighting." I giggle. "Purple is the color of love!"

He smiles and leads me to a section that I might like, when seven little pine-cone-like dolls caught my attention.

"These are cute..." I cupped the alien one in my hand and admired the way its eyes shimmered when I brushed my finger on its cute head.

"Well, they are, but they are also really expensive." The guy scratched his neck in embarrassment.

"Money is not my problem. I'll buy them. I can't just leave them here, y'know?" I smiled and started to identify them as animals.

"This one that you're holding is Taehyung. He is an alien. From what the owner of the shop told me, Taehyung is very cuddly and has a boxy smile that can bright up your day."

I smiled at the guy who paid his attention to the dolls, "Tell me more." I asked him.

"This rabbit over there is Jungkook. He is witty and also innocent... When he wants to be."

I laughed and pointed at the peacock, "And that one?"

"Ah, that is Jin. He's the mother of these boys, he likes to eat and to cook. He also tells horrible dad jokes. If he ever tries to tell you a joke, shush him."

"I have a feeling that Jin and I will become great friends." I giggled and let him continue his lecture.

"This cute chubby penguin over here is sleepy Yoongi. He's... Well... Sleepy. And grumpy. But when he smiles he has the cutest smile in the world. He also likes playing the piano."

He moved on to the husky dog, "That is Jimin. He moves a lot and likes to dance. Sometimes, when he needs to go somewhere, he dances somewhere instead."

"That's so cuteee!" I couldn't help but to coo at the dolls.
Yeah. I am very childish sometimes. I don't care if you judge me, people judge me all the time. I just let them judge me how much they want. It doesn't effect me.

"This gray wolf is Namjoon, the leader of the pack. But don't let his soft looks fool you, he breaks a lot of things accidently... So take care of your precious belonging, because breakable or not, he will break it."

"And this beautiful butterfly?"

"Hoseok. He likes to stay in his animal from because he very energetic and needs to move a lot. He is sometimes acting like an excited little boy, but he can be serious at times when its necessary."

I crack out laughing. After wiping a tear of laughter from my eye, I calm down and summarize:
"So there are 7 dolls:
Taehyung: an alien.
Jungkook: a rabbit.
Jin: a peacock.
Yoongi: a penguin.
Jimin: a husky.
Namjoon: a wolf.
Hoseok: a butterfly."

"Wow you got the names right." The guy chuckled, "The shop owner told me to sell them only to anyone who would remember their names and species. And to be honest I didn't think anyone would remember. And you didn't even look at them when you told me their names!"

"Well, I guess they already have a place in my heart." I smiled and looked back to them.

"Would you like to purchase them?"

"Yes." I held three of them gently, and the guy helped me with the other four.

After I paid, I thinked the guy and went back on my way home, but i stopped a few meters in fromt of the entery to the store.

"Wait... He said that Hoseok likes to stay in his animal form. What does it mean?"

I turned around on my heels to see that the store was closed.

"Wait!" I knocked lightly on the glass door, "What does it mean? What does it- ugh nevermind. I'm too lazy for this."

I gave up really quickly. I'm really lazy and tired. I bet Yoongi could relate. Something tells me he could.

When I got home I put my new dolls all over the house where they would like to be at according to their peronality.
I put Yoongi on the piano, putting a little bit of fabric for him to sit on, making it a little more comfy for him. I decided to put Jimin next to him, to keep him company.
Jungkook was on the couch with the xbox controller next to him, "In case he wants to play" I told myself.
Hoseok was sitting on the chair next to the glass door of the back yard, that has a little pool.
Jin and Namjoon were placed at my kitchen, for Jin to cook as much as he wants and to have culinary fun. And Namjoon was there since I thought that maybe he would be mesmerized by Jin's beautiful feathers and that could stop him from breaking stuff.

I took Taehyung with me to my bedroom and layed on the bed with him, since I knew he liked to be cuddled. I looked at my watch and dAMN IT'S REALLY LATE.

But hey tomorrow I got the day off. So I guess this time I could let it slide.

I cuddled Taehyung closer and it was almost he sent heat waves that calmed me down and sent me into a deep sleep.

"You're beautiful, Master." I hear a deep voice say just next to me and feel the sun hits my face.

The real fun starts next chapter ya'll

✌1123 words✌

Should I continue?💜

Just so you'll know, my updating timing is really bad so I don't post much...😳 but I try my best!!!

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