17-AMeRiCa EGgSpLAiN

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Jungkook's POV

I perked my ears and used my high sensitivity hearing, and caught a sound of a gasp from upstairs. The gasp sounded like... Like Master!

Without wasting any time, I ran upstairs. The others following me quickly, understanding what everything is about.

I kicked down the door of her room open and see that Master was pinned to the bed by Yoongi hyung as he kissed up and down her neck.

"I have been waiting for so long to mate, Master...~" He purred into her neck and she tried to push him away, but he was stronger than her, "I had started to grow a little too impatient...~"

"Y-Yoongi." Master stuttered with helplessness, "P-Please, get off of m-me. You're c-crushing me."

"But Master-" He grinded on her. I couldn't move. Master looked at me with scared eyes, she wanted me to come closer and help her. She felt scared and I could not only feel it, but I could smell it too.
And even though I know that now Yoongi hyung isn't acting by his brain's orders, but by his dick's orders, I couldn't move a muscle. I was completely frozen with shock.

I shaked my head to see that my hyungs have grabbed Yoongi by his arms and legs, much to his protest, and pulled him away from the bed and out from the room right into the bathroom, where he can do that magic with his hands. But Yoongi likes to do many stoppings, so it might take a while.

"Alright, we're back." Taehyung walked into Master's bedroom behind all of the others as they all sat down on the bed with me, "Now let's talk about what Jungkook here told us."

"But first, let's open some windows," Jimin pushed the power button of my computer. "Just kidding." Jimin smiled and opened all of the room's windows, "It makes it hard to concentrate with this smell of sex and hormons. Especially Master's ones." He took one last sniff of the air and joined us on the bed.

Master explained everything to us and we all listened very carefully with our ears perked up towards her. She was calm and very patient, like a mate would be. I will not stop trying to convince her that we are her mates. Because we are. It's very simple. But she keeps denying it and avoiding it.

She also said that she doesn't know if she is ready to be the mate of any of us. That disappointed us all but she did say that since I had gotten my chance with her, they will have each one a special day of "Master and Hybrid" with her.

She explained that it means that it's one day that whoever is chosen Master and them will do anything they choose as long as it's "appropriate". Whatever that means.

Even though I helped Master and I enjoyed it a lot more than I should have, I was really jealous out that I was the only one who won't have the day with Master...

That must be so fun!

I'm sure her sweetness was worth it, because it meant so much for me to help her out. Her voice, moaning my name so loudly. It almost felt as if we we're mates for years... It felt so natural. It felt so right. As if my lips were made for her core. As if her voice was made to moan my name, and my name only.

She enjoyed it too. But why won't she accept us as mates? I mean, us seven.
She bought us from that store because she wanted love.
Our whole purpose is to give it to her. We will make up for all of the years she has spent with no love.

If I had a say in this, she would be mine. Or ours. I don't mind as long as we will be together.
Because even though I'm basically hers, I have needs too. Actually, just one need. And my only need is her.

I only need Master.

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