7- Just Take The Friggin Pill!

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"Kai. Huening Kai." He grins before going to the kitchen.

In less than 10 minutes my order was ready.

"Wow, that was pretty quick." I giggle, taking a bite off of my sandwich.

"Hehe, yeah." Kai scratched the back of his neck. "No one really comes here anyway, so there were no orders before you."

Only now I noticed, I was the only one at the shop. Well, I did go to this place because not many people were here.
I took a sip of my milkshake and gave the other one and the extra sandwich to Kai.

"Drink up." I nod my head towards him. He looks at me with suprise and shakes his head.

"Oh, I-I can't... It's not very polite." He blushed, "I shouldn't be accepting that."

"I give this to you because you're my new friend." I reassure him. He was taken aback from what I've said, but in a good way.

"I.... I don't have many friends..." He mumbles under his breath, "People usually thinks I'm a freak."

"That's even better." I bite my sandwich, "I wouldn't want to be a friend with a normal person. I want to have a friend who's as freaky as me."

He smiles at me and hesitantly holds up his sandwich. He takes a bit and after a few munches he can't help himself from his hunger and takes two more big bites. He then stops himself and watches me, not judging him.

"I'm sowwy" He says with a mouth full of food. I laugh and hide my mouth with my hand.

"Oh, I don't mind." I say as I myself take a big bite myself, making him laugh loudly. God his laugh is so cute! "Help yourshelf wiv aj mush aj you want!"

"Huh?" He giggles and looks at me. His smile almost melts me. But somehow his smile reminds me of the boys I left at home. I look at the watch on my hand and realise it's been almost an hour since I left the house. If they had taken their pills, they should be safe to be around by now.

I accidentally swallow too hard and cough loudly. Causing Kai's smile to drop. He hurried to come closer to me and tapped my back to help.
It didn't. No one really gets it, but patting someone's back while their choking wont help.

I took a big gulp from my milkshake and grab my phone.

"I said, 'help yourself with as much as you want'. And I mean it, Kai." I smiled at him and walked outside, leaving my food and drink on the dining table. "I'll be right back, I just need to check something."

"Alright, I'm waiting for you!" he waved to me and sipped his drink in delight. He didn't say so, but I saw in his eyes he was thanking me with all of his heart. I'm happy to help. I really wonder if the boy eats. If not, it must be a torture working at this café and being the cook.

As I got outside I called the house phone. Yes, this ancient thing actually exists in my house.

"Hello?" I heard Jin's voice say.

"Jin!" I happily reply, "How did you know to pick the phone up?"

"Master! It's so good to know you're ok! Oh, and I saw you pick it up once,when I was in my doll form." Jin says simply, but then he became worried, "Where are you? How did you get inside this tiny machine?"

"I'm not in the phone, Jinnie, it's a way to communicate." I giggle, "So, has everyone taken their pills by now?"

"Well..." Jin starts to speak, but a crash in the background cut him off, "H-Hey!! Yoongi, you better calm down right now, you hear me?"

-Yoongi growls-

(Namjoon's voice) -"Just take the frigging pill!!!!"-

-growls getting louder and closer to the phone-

"Master, is that really you?" I hear Yoongi half speaking, half growling.

"Yoongi, what happened?" I asked worried and clutched the phone hard to my chest, "Are you hurt? Did something happen? Are you ok?"

"Master~!" He growled and moaned at the phone, "Come back home, please!!! I need you! I need to mate with you, Master! Please, I'm begging you~!"

Unexpected | BTS Hybrids x reader (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora