14- This is insane

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About 20 minutes after we started eating, Jin stumbled into the room, blushing heavily, panting, and his pants were only half way zipped. He looked and acted as if he was drunk.

He stumbled towards the table and everyone looked at him. We were frozen and no one managed to say anything.

"You guys," He plomped to his seat as everyone looked at him, worried. He looked at us as if he had found the cure for cancer. "You won't believe what Master taught me in the bathroom. Hands,"-He moved his sweaty hair away from his face and spread his fingers in front of our faces to see- "Can do wanders!"

"How many times did you do the... Umm.." I tried finding the right words.

"About six in a row." He took Jungkook's glass of water and chugged the whole thing down. He sighed, refreshed.



"No, no! Let me explain!" He stands up, "I heard somewhere that this action is called after Jack."

"Jack?.." I asked, regretting asking almost immediately.

"Mr Jack Off, duh." He started giggling.

The others started growling softly as well, not wanting to alarm me.

"I thought we had a nice, understanding conversation earlier, Master...." Namjoon lowered his head, his ears are flopped flat on his head.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin's eyes started to water.
Yoongi's hold on the knife tightened.
Jin's mouth was just hung open and he almost drooled as he was daydreaming about the next time he will spend in the bathroom.

"There is no guy who's name is Jack Off!!!" I yell and put my hands on my waist, "Okay Jin, answer me truthfully. You're acting weird. Did you sniff my makeup in the bathroom or somethi-"

"I will tell you!" He wakes up from his daydream, "I will tell you all how it's done!"

The boys looked curious. Each of them leaned over to listen more carefully.

"Jungkook-ah, you should listen most carefully!" He wrapped an arm around Jungkook, who obediently perked out his long bunny ears.

"So first," He motioned his hands to his pants, "You grab your-"

"No!" I cover my ears and shut my eyes, "Do it later in the bathroom!"

"Aw," Jin whined and leaned back in his chair "But I wanted to-"

"Master said!" Yoongi piped out as he took my hand and put it on his head, making me pet him. "Master said that we will do it later, together. So we have to listen to master."

"T-Together?!" I looked at him, shocked, "You know what? I don't want to know."

"Ohhhh I can't wait!" Jin stuffed his food to his mouth. "Guys, hurry!! Hurry come onnnn!"

"I don't think so..." Jimin chuckled, noticing my discomfort, "maybe another time, hyung."

"Whatever, your loss." Jin shrugged.

"Alright, anyways. There's chocolate cake! We have to clean first though-"

They all rushed to the kitchen and Taehyung took my plate even though I wasn't done yet. They were in such a rush, they didn't even notice I took some cake out of the fridge for them. They cleaned all the dishes in a hurry and rushed back to the table all together.

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