24- And The Lucky Hybrid Is...

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The boys were concerned. They looked at Taehyung as if he was sick. And then they looked at me.

"Did you guys fu-... mated?" Jin asked calmly but he was lowkey jealous.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked him. They all still looked terrified.

"When the alpha of the group mates with one of the pack," Namjoon starts to explain, "They become less rebellious, submittive, obsessively in love and... How else can I put it.... Like Tae is right now."

"So what you're saying is," I connected the dots, "Tae acts af is we had just mated, and he won't ever disobey me. He would do anything that I say and he will be in love with me," I started to question the idea even more as soon as these words came into my mouth, "For the rest of his life."

"Don't forget that he will try to seduce you, since you guys already mated." Yoongi said. "So if you can survive that, imagine what will happen when you'll mate with me." He sent me a wink.

"We haven't mated!" I argued.

"Then how did this happen?" Jin asked Namjoon while failing to pry Taehyung off of me.

"Hmm... Have you done or said anything to show him your position as an alpha in this house?" Namjoon asked.

"Well," I explained what happened before, when he cried about doing something wrong and me praising him when he listened to me. "Does that count?"

"Of course," Namjoon said, "You don't have to have phusical connection with your pack to make them become like this. Kind acts can also make them slip into this state."

"But not me. I'm waiting for the mating." Yoongi said seductively, "And only then you could see all of me before I turn as bubbly as Tae."

"But Master is a good person." Jimin said, "She always does kind acts. How come we're not in the situation of Tae?"

"But when Master will help us with her kind acts when we feel strong negative emotions," Namjoon tried to explain it the best for little baby Jimin, "We might automatically slip into that stage without the need of the mating."

"Oh." Jimin said, thinking deeply.

"But didn't Yoongi hyung said that Taehyung will try to seduce Master since he became... Like this?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

"Master," Jungkook pulled my sleeve, but I was in the middle of the conversation, so I just hoped he would understand and wait until the conversation ended.

"That is also correct." Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair in stress, "That also happens."

"Master." He pulls my sleeve again.

"What, Kookie?" I asked him and he whined.

"My heat is becoming uneven." He turned to Namjoon, "What does that mean?"

"Well, I think that since we were dealing with our heat using an unusual way," Namjoon's lips became a thin line as he thought of how to explain his theory, "Our bodies were expecting another body to mate with us, but that body heat never came. So our heat might be a little messed up, but it didn't hurt us and we didn't get sick. So it'll either become normal again after a few times, or it will just arrive randomly."

"Good thing Master showed us the hands." Taehyung said happily.

"Good thing I showed you the hands," I nodded, taking in everything that happened.

I felt my phone buzz loudly on the table. When did it get there?

I got a message from my manager. The new song became a good hit! But that's not a suprise. My fans are really suppotrive. They're like an army of good people full of love.
He also said that since the song became a hit, it's the best if I got the week off. Cool! That means I can have the Hybrid-Master days with six boys! But what will I do with the last day?

I know! Kai!!
I will invite him over for the boys to meet the boy they approved. Who knows, maybe they'll just love him too like they did with me?

"Guys! I got a message from my manager and he said I got the whole week off!" I smiled and they smiled even wider when I said the next sentence, "We can start the Hybrid-Master days!"

Before they could celebrate, I had started to say some more, "And on the last day, I will invite Kai over!"

The room went completely quiet. The boys narrowed eyes and seemed stiff.

"Who is Kai?" Jin asked me jealously.

"He is the one who made the good food. The male you approved." I explained, trying not to laugh at the terms I was using.

"Oh! That guy!" They suddenly became jolly and bubbly again and Taehyung joked, "Why didn't you just said so?"

"I just did," I rolled my eyes and then cleared my throat. "I want you to meet him. Anyways, we were on an important matter."

"Master, do you know when you will be ready to mate?" Jimin asked innocently.

"No... I'm sorry, Jiminie." I came to him and ruffled his hair. All the others had gotten a little frowny and jealous. Especially Taehyung.

"I have to talk to you about your jealousy." I spoke and they all perked their ears. I sighed, "You're all brothers. And you all have my love equally. So please, if I show affection to any of you, instead of being mad, protective and jealous, be happy of the life you're living. And more importantly, be happy for your brothers and for yourselves."

The kitchen became silenced. No one uttered a word. They were all in deep thoughts about my statement.

"Master's right." Jin said, "Jealousy doesn't feel good. I don't like that feeling." He side hugged Yoongi and Jimin, "Instead of being jealous, let's be happy for one another. Let's smile for a change."

Namjoon was the first to smile. Yoongi even smiled a little. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook grinned at each other widely and came into a group hug, followed by four other smilies.

"Smiling is tiring." Yoongi said and rubbed his cheeks.

"What if I do this?" I hugged him and looked up to face him. He was smiling a gummy smile that I have never seen before. He was red too. He pushed me away from him lightly, even though I knew he wanted me to keep hugging him.

"I.. Ahem. I don't want to become a Taehyung before mating, thank you." He cleared his voice.

"By the smell of the hormones that are oozing out of you, you're pretty close to it." Namjoon laughed.

"Well, tomorrow will start the hybrid-Master day of one of you guys." I started as I took a box, paper and a pen. "And we're going to let the paper choose who will- Taehyung can you stop hugging me for a second?"

Taehyung frowned, but obliged.

"We're going to let the paper choose who will go first." I made little name cards of each of them.
I put them all in the box and shook the box a little before putting it on the dining table.

"I hope it would be meeeee." Hoseok bit his lip in anticipation.

"Oh god, please let it be me!" Jin looked at the ceiling.

"I don't believe in god," Namjoon chuckled at Jin's words, "But I would love it to be me."

I looked at the papers.

The papers looked at me.

Tension was obviously in the room.

But I didn't care much, so I just went for it.

"And the lucky hybrid is..."

Vote for the hybrid you would like to be the first.

Please vote only once:

1) Namjoon

2) Jimin

3) Jin

4) Hoseok

5) Yoongi.

6) Taehyung.

(There is no Jungkook, because- well, go read chapters 16-17 again lol)

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