2-Don't Touch My Food

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I open my eyes to see a handsome Gucci material dude right in front of me, pulling me close so our bodies with touched. I could feel his... Everything.

"Holy shit!" I tried to break free and failed miserably. He only held me closer, and that only made my breasts squeeze against his well sculpted chest and abs.

"Cheesus!!!" I slapped the heck out the guy, and then he let me go.
Yes. I say cheesus. It's like Jesus, but for cheese. I really like cheese.
I took my chance and ran out of the room away from the Gucci guy and towards the kitchen, thinking about defending myself with a knife from the guy that tried to sexually harass me just a few seconds ago.

I pass the hallway and the stairs and hear the piano playing from my music room.
My curiousity gets the best of me as I kick the door open to find a guy with mint hair playing the piano and a guy with pink pastel hair dancing to the melody.
"Oh look, it's Master." the pink haired one stopped dancing and looked at me.
The one who played the piano stopped and turned to look at me.

"Sexy..." He said, looking at my body.

"Sexy?!" I looked down to see that I was only dressed with a crop top and underwear.
That's what I wear as pajamas, ok?! Stop judging me!

"You ALWAYS think about mating, hyung." the pink haired one rolled his eyes and jumped a bit when I screamed at them:


I ran out of the room when I heeard the pervert one yell "Wait! Master!"

I got to the living room by accident, what can I say, my house is too big. (Rich people's problem) and saw two guys playing Minecraft on my Xbox.

"Master! You're up!" the one with black hair and bunny teeth said happily, logging out of the game.

"Master... I'm sorry... I broke the other controller..." the other said, looking down, ashamed.

My eyes widen in horror.

There are unknown people in my house!
And they touched my piano!
And broke my awesome red controller!
What now?!
The worst thing they can do is...

Oh. No.

MY FOOD!!!!!

I run to the kitchen and on my way I see a very happy and energetic dude running around in circles jumping a little, and his heart shaped huge smile never leaves his face.

I don't have time for this!!!! My food!!!

I enter the kitchen only to find all my food being cooked and getting shapes and colors I didn't even know these kinds of food could have.

I drop to my knees in defeat.

"Ah! Master!" I feel strong arms pick me up and then hold me by my bare waist. BARE waist. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm... What?" I mumbled, too overwhelmed to even try to break free from his hold. I put my hands on his shoulders. Damn, his body is probably like 90% shoulders.

"Master, you look tired." the deep voice from before ringed in my ears. I felt another pair of hands on my waist and then soft kisses on my neck.

"Let her go, Taehyung." said a strong voice from the kitchen door. I looked back and saw all the boys I saw all around my house.

"She doesn't want to mate, Taehyung." The mint haired one said, disappointed. "She made it very clear earlier."

"It's ok." The guy name Taehyung said, not kissing me anymore, but still holding me, "I can wait. Not for long, but I can wait."

"Master?" The guy with bunny teeth asked me, noticing my pale face, "are you feeling alright?"

I inhaled slowly "Shhhh! Master wants to speak!" another guy whisper-shouted. The other males stood in silence until I took in enough oxygen into my lungs.




I started smacking their heads with the first flipper I saw.

"Get the flip out!" I shout hysterically, "OUT, BITCHES!"

"Master please!" the shortest one said, "Have some mercy!"

I blushed at the name he called me. What? They were handsome too!

"Why do you keep calling me 'Master'?" I asked, raising the flipper up threatening to hit.

"Well, you are our Master." Yoongi shrugged, "It's a normal thing to do."

"N-Normal?!" I cried, losing my santily little by little. "Sure ok. Normal! Ha! AhahahAHAHAHAHA! haha... ha..."

I gripped my hair tightly, almost tearing it off of my head as I tried to gain back my sanity and maybe clear my mind a little from the panic (at the disco😛) which I was possessed by.

"Alright," I said quietly and searched for my phone with my hand without breaking my eye contact with them. "Normal, right? I'm just going to take my normal phone now... And call the normal police-"

I didn't get to finish my centence before dear wolf Joonie snatched my phone away and held it up in one hand. I tried to reach up for my phone and jumped up to get it, but failed miserably. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder and use his hight to jump higher. But he just held it higher and then held my weist, not allowing me to move. I could feel Yoongi's eyes on my butt, but I ignored it this time. I had something important to do.

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