10-Makin' Mah Way Downtown, Drivin' FAST

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"Oh my god!" I suddenly hug Kai, hurrying to get back home. I looked at my watch and realised it has been a few hours since I left them there by their own. "I have to go! I totally forgot... Something!"

"Is it your job?" Kai asked.

"Y-yes! My job!" I chirped and started running back to my car, "And I really have to go! Text me!!!"

"Alright!" He smiled and waved goodbye, "Be safe!"

As I got to the car I immediately called the house phone, hoping that Jin will answer.

"H-Hello?" I heard Jin sobbing into the phone.

"Jinnie! My baby! What's wrong?" my motherly instincts kicked in, "Are you ok? Are you boys safe?"

"W-Where are you, Master?" He cried. I heard the boys' heavy footsteps heading towards the phone, accompanied by their sobs and crys.

"Did M-Master leave us?" I heard Namjoon's voice crack.

"D-Did we do bad, Master?" Jungkook cried.

"Please come back!" Taehyung yelled.

"We miss you, Master!" Hoseok stomped his foot.

Jimin just cried. And he cried realllll bad. He cried as if I was dead. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and my breath quickened. I hurried to sooth them a little but my voice was trembling and filled with emotion.

"I-I'm coming home, guys, don't worrie!" I heard them cry even harder, and that may and may have not made me go over the speed limit. "Please stop crying! I'm on my way! You didn't do bad, and I'm not leaving you!"

"M-Master is coming back?" I could hear Yoongi grabbed the phone. "Please hurry, Master. We've all taken our pills and it's safe for you to come back... Just.... Please, Master..."

"I will be home in ten minutes top!" I say and my finger hovers the red button on the screen, "Be good, my boys, and I will be back for cuddles in no time. If you made a mess, clean and fix it up please. This will make the time go faster. See you soon, guys."

"No Master! Don't-!" I hung up before Jimin could finish his sentence. I couldn't bare hearing him like this. He sounded as if he was suffering huge emotional pain. Like he has been crying for hours.... For days! I couldn't.... I couldn't hear his pain.

"I'm on my way boys." I mumbled to myself. "Don't you worrie."



I was knocked down to the floor by seven emotional men.
They all cried and clung to me as if I would run away if they'd let me go.

"Shh... Master's home." I petted all of their heads and brushed my fingers on their ears. Suddenly, they all stopped crying. And I had a feeling that it didn't have anything to do with my soothing little speech.

"Master?" Yoongi gritted his teeth and pushed his nose into my neck. "Why do you have the scent of another male?"
As he said that, their grip even tightened.

"We don't like other males." Jimin confirmed my theory.

"What's wrong with me hanging out with a friend?" I became a little upset.

"You can have friends. Just not males." Jin played with my hair.

"Why?" I ask him. Wow. They can really tic me off. What do they mean 'not males'? I can do what I want and I can be friends with whoever I want! They ain't no boss of me! I'm their Master for cheesus's sake!!!

"Males might take precious Master away!" Taehyung cried and sniffed my hair deeply.

"No one's taking me away from you." I assured him, "But I can have friends that are males too. You can't forbid me from seeing my friends!"

"You can't see him again and that is final." Namjoon decided as my jaw almost fell to the ground. "We don't allow you to."

The boys retreated away from me and sensed my anger. We all stood up and they wanted to hug me but I kept giving them glares. It made me furious to hear they think they overpower me in this house. That THEY can control ME.
That's it.

Its time to put some boundaries.

"That is your mistake, Namjoon." I walk slowly to him and poke his chest with my finger. "You don't control me. You seven have no right nor power over me to decide things like these for me. In MY house, and with MY hybrids, I make the rules. So if I want to go to see a friend of mine, who happens to be a male, I will. And if you don't like it, you'll just have to get used to it, but you will not forbid me to see him or anything like that for you have no such power to do so. I am your Master, and you should be respecting my decisions, not to make them for me against my will."

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