3-Did You. Just Break. My Phone.

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"Hey!!!" I shout, "My phone! I need my phone!"

"What do you need the phone for?" He asked calmly, still not giving my phone back. He pulled me closer as I still didn't notice how bad the situation is becoming.

"I write!" I stop jumping from exhaustion, "You know what Wattpad is?"

"Watt..pad?" Jungkook titled his head.

"It's something Master must care for deeply." Yoongi muttered under his breath as he nodded understandingly and then said loud and clear enough for anyone in the room to hear, "Namjoon. Give the phone back to Master. Now."

"But... But what if Master will calk the police?" Namjoon's hand lowered a little, but he still hesitated.

"The normal police!" Taehyung said in a matter of factly.

"You won't call the police, right?... Master?..." Jimin gave me the cutest pout in the world which made me melt.

"Of couse not, ChimChim." I said and hurried to squish his cute face. He smiled to me even though I squished his face and his eyes narrowed to the shape of the moon.

Then Namjoon handed me back my phone and I snatched it back and hugged it tightly, "Ah! Finally! I can call the cops and-"

Suddenly, the phone was snatched onces again from my hands by Namjoon, who crushed it between his fingers.

"No. Police." He said with sternness and dropped the pieces of the broken phone on the ground.

"No!" I cried out and fell to my knees, holding the broken pieces close to my heart, "My phone!"

I felt presence next to me and see Jimin sitting down next to me and hugging me. Is he trying to comfort me? I couldn't care less right now, that dude just smashed my phone into small useless pieces.

"Get off of me" I growl at him and he whimpers and crawls away from me.

"Master..." He looks up to me from his place on the floor away from me, with his lip trembling and his eyes watering, "I'm sorry... Please forgive me Master...."

I suddenly realised my mistake. What have I done?... They're... I'm.... I AM their Master after all... Am I? Wait what the hell am I thinking?

As I start to question my sanity, Jin seemed to read my mind and he put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I know you didn't mean to scare Jimin, Master." He smiled weakly at me and helped me standing up. "I think it's been a rough morning, let's try to sit down and maybe eat some breakfast. Let's talk things over and calm down, Master. I know it's sudden and unexpected, and I apologize about the inconvenience, but we would really like to start over. If we may."

"U-Unexpected. That's right for sure." I mumble and breath in deeply, "Breakfast s-sounds nice."

What can I say? I love food!

The other boys got out of the kitchen to help setting the table. I looked down at my phone and realised I was mad about nothing. I could buy more than thousands of phones like this. I just didn't really think about that. Stupid me.
Just before I was about to get back up and walk out of the room to help the boys with the little power I have left, I heard someone from the other side of the floor.

"Did Jimin do bad, Master?" Jimin asked with his head lowered. "Do I need to be punished?"

"Oh, Jimin!" I say and run to him and hug him tightly and he froze, "You have done nothing wrong! It's me who has been too harsh with you because I was scared and I didn't expect... Your arrival."

He hugs back and sobs on my shoulder, "I was scared too, Master. I was scared you will send me away."

"Jimin, sweety." I sit down and put his head on my lap, playing eith his hair, "I would never send you away. Please... Just... Stop crying. Ok?"

Jimin tried his best to control his sobs and his cries died out eventually. He started to purr and to lean into my hand as my hand reached his husky ears. His face became redder and redder as he rolled his eyes to the back of his head in pleasure.

"Could you... Put some more pressure... Master?" He said between his purrs.

I just smiled and applied a little more pressure.

His lips parted and his Eyes were shut closed. At first I didn't understand why he did that and I was curious to find out. So I thought I should try to scratch slowly from the base of his ears to the top. Just as my fingernails touched the base of his ears he let out a moan.

"Aahh~ Master~!"

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