Chapter 25

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Nya's POV

I slowly wake up, feeling exhausted even after sleeping. Once I'm up, I realize why. Yesterday actually happened. Somehow, we got out, but I walked for miles in a burning hot desert and stumbled upon my boyfriend's parent's motor home.

Quietly, I get out of bed. I change into the extra clothes I backed in my travel bag, quickly brush out my hair, and quietly leave the room.

"Nya deary, you're up. Edna made some waffles," Ed notices me as soon as I leave the room.

"Thank you," I give both of them a small smile.

"Come sit," Edna gestures across from them where a large stack of waffles is on a plate. I walk over and sit down.

"Edna told me that you've talked to our Jay," Ed tells me with a kind smile.

"He's...actually my boyfriend," I say hesitantly, not knowing how they'll react. Both look a little shocked.

"That's good. He's in good hands," Edna tells me welcomingly. I let out the breath I was holding.

"He never gave up on getting home. He was trying to escape the whole time, even before I showed up. I just helped him create what we needed to create," I tell them. I can see them get a bit happier at that.

"What were you trying to create?" Ed asks me.

"We had these vengestone cuffs on that kept us from using our powers. We were trying to make a machine that could make a key to take the cuffs off," I then pull out the key and set it on the table. "This key."

"And it worked?" Ed asks, obviously impressed with our work. I nod.

"Yeah, but only Jay and I were able to get free before we disappeared. Everyone else has theirs on," I explain, taking another bite of my waffles. I continue eating until there's none left. I look up, and Edna's fixated on my hands. "Is everything okay?"

"The bruises that are on your wrists, are they from Jay?" she asks. I look down, and there's bruises on both my wrist, one side higher because the cuff use to be there.

"No, no, no," I quickly answer, felling a bit self conscious. "The guards there weren't the best. These are from them, along with many other scars."

"I'm so sorry honey," Edna sets her hand over mine in a comforting manner.

"When you were in there, did you ever talk to Misako's son, Lloyd?" Ed asks. I nod, not thinking much of it.

"Yeah, he was in on our escape plan. He's supposed to meet all of us at the gathering point," I answer, and both of them look a bit confused.

"He must've had a change of plans then," Ed declares. I tilt my head slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"We saw something on the news this morning. In a week, he's going to be married to Princess Harumi. He's staying at the palace with her," Edna tells me. I shake my head.

"No, he wouldn't do that. Lloyd hates her now," I state. They shrug.

"We don't know the details. We're just telling you what we heard."

"Lloyd likes Juliet now. There's no way he'd marry Harumi, even for freedom," I stand up, grabbing my travel pack off the counter. "We should probably get going now. It's a days drive away. Juliet will have more information; she was with him."


We pull up in front of the underground cave I built, and there's about a dozen people waiting outside. I hop out of the car, and Skylor looks relived. She rushes over and gives me a huge hug.

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