Chapter 5

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(A/N this takes place before and partially at the same time as last chapter. I didn't think of writing this until the last one was posted so oh well)

Cole's POV

"I'm here!" Harumi yells when she walks into the center of the park. She brought her best friend, Ultraviolet, and her bodyguard, Mr. E, with her as always. I have no idea why she is always let in here, or why she always comes here, but she does. She's made herself a part of our friend group, but has practically made herself the ruler. She's even put down some rules. All of us simply tolerate her because she's the princess.

"Rumi!" Lloyd cheers, putting a smile on her face. Lloyd is her favorite one of us, by far. At this point, we can't tell if he genuinely enjoys her company or is just pretending like the rest of us.

"Lloyd!" She cheers back, hugging him as soon as she reaches him. "I brought presents guys." Ultraviolet places several bags in front of all of us. "I heard you guys talking with each other about things you want but can't have, so I got them for you guys," she keeps her head held high, a proud smile on her face. "Oh Zane, yours isn't done yet. I'm sorry I couldn't bring it."

"It is fine," he brushes it off. I reach down to the bag placed in front of me. When I see the frosted delicacy in my bag, I smile.

"Cake! Thank you Harumi!" I rush over to give her a hug. She laughs and hugs me back.

"It's nothing Cole. It was made by our top royal chef." Behind me, Kai pulls an orange bracelet out of his bag. "I have no idea why you wanted a bracelet made of amber, but I was able to get one."

"Thank you," the smile on his face is huge. I know exactly why he wanted that bracelet, to give it to a certain red haired girl. Even though he claims they broke up once Harumi came and all the rules got stricter, it's obvious he still has the hots for her. Jay opens his present next. It's some tool that I don't know the name of.

"You said that you needed that tool to finish your invention, so there it is!" Harumi claps her hands. As usual, her friend and body guard stay silent. "Yours is last Lloyd." Lloyd reaches into his bag, and his eyes widen.

"A katana!" I should have expected it to be something huge considering how much bigger his bag was then ours. He pulls it out of the bag completely to scan over it. "Thank you so much Rumi!" he sets its down to run over and hug her.

"It was nothing Lloyd. I picked it up this morning on the way here," she dismisses it like it was nothing, but we all know she traveled all over Ninjago City to get the right one for him.

"What are we planning on doing today?" Zane asks. Ultraviolet grabs something out of another bag.

"We brought movies to watch," she lifts the movies up in her hand. As soon as I see Fritz Donnegan on the cover, I know Jay and Lloyd are going to love it.

"Who's room are we watching them in?" Zane asks another question. Harumi shrugs.

"We can watch it in my room. My uncle isn't around most of the time anyways," Lloyd offers his room up. Lloyd's uncle is by far the oldest elemental master here. He's usually off doing other random tasks instead of just relaxing like everyone else.

"Why don't we just go to the movie theater? It's for watching movies, and we can just have them play that one," Kai suggests. Harumi shakes her head.

"But then other people could come in, and it wouldn't just be our group. We're exclusive, Kai," Ultraviolet tells him, putting her hand on his shoulder. Quickly, he shrugs her hand off. It isn't a secret that she has a thing for Kai, but unfortunately for her, Kai has a thing for someone else. It's not allowed anyways, so it doesn't matter.

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