Chapter 12

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Kai's POV

I sit across the table from Lloyd. I knew he was going to take the news hard, but we all saw it coming. As much as I dislike Harumi, I need to be here for him. He stirs the chocolate milk in front of him and sighs.

"She left us Kai," he looks up at me. "I gave her my everything, and she leaves forever."

"She had to leave Lloyd," I tell him softly. "She has to find a husband, and her spending time here kept her from doing so. By distancing herself, she'll focus on finding someone to rule beside her." He looks so heartbroken and torn up. He'd been hiding in his room for the past day, and I had to practically drag him out of his room to come out. His eyes are puffy and red.

"I know. I just thought...I just thought," he drifts off.

"That someday, that husband could be you?" I attempt to finish his sentence. He sadly nods.

"It was stupid anyways. The people wouldn't accept an elemental freak as their emperor anyways, neither would her parents," he takes a small sip of his chocolate milk.

"They'd be beyond lucky to have you as their emperor. All of us in here, we're not freaks, we're extraordinary. Society is missing out by having us all locked up," I tell him. He shakes his head.

"We're walking safety hazards," he hums sadly, pursing his lips after.

"I used to think that..." I start,"but someone..."

"Skylor," he interrupts to correct me. I smile.

"Skylor taught me that that was wrong. Think, your uncle was able to live in the world and not cause harm using his powers. Why couldn't we? We were kids when we got put in here, Lloyd. It's stupid that anyone thought we could control our powers at that young," I explain to him. He just shrugs.

"You know of Garmadon," he attempts to brush off my entire point using one example.

"Garmadon was also corrupted with venom that made him evil. Plus, a single person doing something bad doesn't mean all people like them should be locked up. I'm just saying that knowing you, you'd be able to control your powers or even use them to protect Ninjago as their emperor, just saying," I go back to my original point. He sighs.

"I know you're not upset that she's gone," he states, looking up at me.


"You don't need to pretend to make me feel better. You hated Harumi," he flinches as her name comes out of his mouth.

"Hate is a strong word," I tell him. He raises an eyebrow. "That does describe how I felt about her, but I'm here for you. How about we spend a Lloyd and Kai day, just like old times." This brings a smile to his face.

"I'd like that. I missed those," a small bit of joy appears on his face. "I'm sorry that we drifted apart. I was too absorbed with Harumi to spend time with my friends."

"I'm just as guilty as you are," I admit,"I get so absorbed in Skylor sometimes that I don't hang out with you guys enough."

"It's fine. You're great for each other. Just don't forget about the rest of us," he takes a sip of his chocolate milk.

"I won't. Now let's go to the arcade. I'm about to destroy you."


*3 weeks later*

Nya's POV

"We're having a girls day today," Skylor announces as I walk back into the room after going to the gym.

"What?" I ask, plopping my bag down on the table next to my bed.

"Just the two of us, all day," she smiles. "No computer, full attentiveness."

Hidden- NinjagoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora