Chapter 24

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Kai's POV

The tattoo men carried me through the jungle, fighting my struggling before bringing me to a huge building. They took my through a side door into a throne room. At the center, there is a lush purple throne. The room is very fancy, with lots of golden and purple accents.

"My workers, did you find what caused the power surge?" a voice asks from behind me.

"Yes, we found this boy in the jungle," the main man who captured me announces. Their boss comes and sits on the throne. He has an elaborate skeleton hat on with purple fluff on it. His side burns and goatee are both greying. Around his neck, he wears a necklace with three sharp teeth on them.

"Who are you?" he asks, glaring at me. I huff.

"My name is Kai," I answer honestly.

"What are you doing here, Kai?" he says my name accusingly, as if I'm lying to him.

"I don't know," I answer. The man chuckles evily, and I shift in the net.

"Tell me the truth," he demands.

"I don't know why I'm here. I just woke up here," I tell the truth, my voice laced with attitude.

"Kill him," he orders his guards, but they look skeptical. My heart starts beating rapidly, and my threat tightens.

"Are you sure about that, Master Chen?" the head worker asks him, and my eyes widen at that name.

"Yes, kill him now. He's of no value to us," Chen acts as if death is nothing as he hops down from his chair.

"Skylor wouldn't be happy with you if you killed me," I inform him. He stops in his tracks at the mention of his daughter.

"How do you know her?" he snaps, storming over to me.

"I'm...her boyfriend," I inform him. He shakes his head.

"That's impossible. My Skylor is a little warrior princess who has no interest in boys," he says in denial. He crosses his arms.

"In my bag that your guards took, I have a wallet. Inside that wallet, there's a picture of myself and Skylor. You can see it yourself," I tell him.

"Get me that picture," he demands. His guards fumble with the backpack, finally opening the zipper. They quickly get the wallet and bring it over to Chen. He opens it, and takes the picture in his hand. In the picture, I'm kissing Skylor's cheek, and she has a giant smile on her face.

"She's the spitting image of her mother," he says to himself, a small smile crossing his face for the first time since I've seen him. He looks closer at me now. "You're Ray's son."

"You knew my dad?" I ask him. He nods.

"Your father and mother fought alongside my wife against Garmadon. They were excellent blacksmiths," he informs me. "Get this boy out of this net!" Quickly, the guards rush forward and take the net off of me. "Walk with me." I get up and fall into stride with him. "How did you get here? I want to help you."

"I genuinely don't know. One second I was in the area they were keeping us, then I was here. We were trying to escape," I tell him. He nods.

"Do you know where anyone else is?" he asks me. I shake my head.

"No, not at all," I say. The only thing that's on my mind is trying to get back to Skylor. She could still be in that prison, getting punished for trying to escape. Her and Nya could be getting whipped right now.

"Let's get that cuff off your wrist. Then, we can try to find them," Chen gives me a small smile, and I smile back.


Zane's POV

"Excuse me," I feel a poke at my side. "Borg Industries is closed. How did you get inside?" I open my eyes to see a nindroid standing over me. Her face is silver, and her eyes are green. I never understood why my friends were so obsessed with girls. Now, I understand. She's beautiful.

"'m sorry," for the first time in my life, I'm lost for words. She giggles, before scanning over me.

"You're... a nindroid too?" she asks, her face lighting up.

"Yes, yes I am."


Jay's POV

I go from fighting off guards to unconsciousness. I'm broken out of that when I feel a rush of liquid fill my throat. I jolt up, coughing. My eyes shoot open, and I'm lying against rocks with the water pounding against me. I crawl up out of the water, my clothes soaked.

"Darn it," I murmur to myself, wringing out my clothes. Then, I realize I have no idea how I got here. I look down, and my cuff is still gone.

"Nya?" I climb up on the rocks, running around. I walk across the rocks, searching in the water for Nya. Turning around, I see a large tower in front of me. There's nothing else here, just the tower. I climb up the steep stairs until I reach the doormat. Hesitantly, I knock on the door, but there's no response. I try again, and yet again, there's no response. I sigh, leaning against the door and sitting down.

I sit there for hours, not trying again until the sun goes down. After no response, I grab the door handle and try to open it. After a bit of jiggling, it opens. I enter, but it's pitch black. I find the light switch, flicking it to the on position, but it doesn't work. I press my hand against the circuit next to it, focusing and sending the electric current through me and into the circuit. Quickly after, the lights flicker on before a steady hum fills the building.

"That's better," I murmur to myself, sticking my hands in my pockets. The stairs are old and creaky, but I need to find whoever is living here, so I cautiously walk up them, Staying close to the wall because there's no railing. Once I reach the top, I find a small room. There's some blueprints scattered around, and obvious signs of life.

"Hello?" I look around, but find nothing. I look out at the view, and there's nothing but ocean for miles.

"Perfect," I mumble to myself. If I'm going to be stuck, I might as well get use to it."

A/N: whoops, that was a while between updates.

Hey, but there will be a lot of updates now because my school is closed for a month due to coronavirus (yay I know how great)

And now for my other story

Zane is... the nerd

Any thoughts on this chapter?

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