Chapter 8

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*one week later*

Lloyd's POV

"So I was in the palace last night," Rumi starts, playing with my hair as she talks,"and my helper noticed that there was something different about me. She noticed that I wasn't in peak princess condition as some would say." She has a smirk on her face, and I can't help but laugh a little.

"Oh I wonder how that could've happened," I respond jokingly. Last night before Harumi went back to the palace, we came up here to watch a movie by ourselves cause she wanted some "Lloyd time". Let's just say one thing led to another and things happened. We lost track of time and she had to quickly rearrange herself to be presentable before she left.

"She knew something was different, but she didn't know what. Then my dad came in and looked at me and couldn't tell either. He thought I got in a street fight!" she laughs an adorable little laugh.

"That's one thing you could call that," I laugh. In response, she play hits my shoulder.

"My coronation tour is starting soon," she sighs, looking at me with sad eyes.

"And that means?" I ask, rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand.

"I'll be gone for a while looking for someone to 'be the king Ninjago needs'," she says with air quotes. By her tone, she is not happy.

"I still can't believe that you're related to the First Spinjitzu Master," I shake my head in disbelief. The First Spinjitzu Master ruled over the realm and kept the peace and harmony. In his rule, he had two sons, Garmadon and Harumi's dad. When Garmadon let his evil powers take over him, his brother fled to try to get help. Several years later, three years ago, to be exact, he returned to the palace with his wife and daughter and took back the throne.

"I know right. I'm his granddaughter. It's so cool!" she squeals.

"Did I ever tell you you're adorable?" I try to be slick, but it comes out really awkward. She giggles at that.

"You, Mr. Lloyd Montgomery, are the most adorable," she wraps her arms around me, plants a kiss on my cheek, and closes her eyes. Whenever we do stuff like this, I can't help but feel guilty. Harumi says it's not breaking the rules because only one of us is an elemental master, but I still feel bad. Kai would love to have this, but he can't without hiding it or punishment. It's sad, but I can't do anything about it.


Jay's POV

"She's over ten minutes late," I look down at my phone. Every day at 1:45, Nya and I meet at the small cafe type restaurant before we head out to the forest. Today, it's 1:58 and she's not here. I anxiously tap my foot on the ground.

She's probably late, everyone has days where they just run behind. Maybe her hair wouldn't cooperate. Maybe she couldn't find anything in her closet.

Maybe the guards found her breaking a rule and punished her. I shiver at the thought. I can imagine the whip cracking against her back, the screams coming out of her mouth. It's horrible.

All I can do is hope that she isn't there. I've been there before, and it was horrible. I had talked back to a guard because they falsely accused Kai of breaking a rule. They grabbed me by the wrist, several of them, and pulled me into the back room. There, they started by taking off my shirt and whipping me, the sharp crack of the whip filling the room. Then, they decided to truly torture me.

With every elemental master, their elemental powers are dangled right in front of their face while being used against them. When I was in there, they hooked me up to a machine and shot electric currents through me. It was excruciating, but it didn't kill me. It felt like it was going to, but it didn't. I felt dead the next couple days. The whole time the guards were doing it, they just laughed and told me it was what I deserved.

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