Chapter 1

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8 years later

Nya's POV

"Can I help you?" I ask the blonde girl who is taking her time looking through all the weapons I took with me to sell today. Every two weeks, I set up a booth near the park where a lot of people pass by. There's more traffic in Ninjago City than the shop anyways. Plus, it's nice to get some fresh air.

"I'm just looking for something that will help me get a guy to like me. Something that I could give to him as a present," she admits, looking completely lost.

"Well, this katana is a popular item," I take a katana off of display placing it in her hands for her to examine.

"How much?"

"$700," I inform her. Her eyes widen.

"Damn. I'll get it. Lloyd's lucky I care about him," she pulls out several hundred dollar bills out of her purse before handing them over.

"Do you know what that's all about?" I ask the girl, gesturing over at the mob of people in the center of the park. They're, peacefully, holding up signs in protest.

"It's FOF," the girl states with annoyance.


"Free Our Families. They're the families of the elemental masters that have been helped by EMPA. Their families don't understand that under the protection of EMPA, they can't be hurt or hurt anyone. They're protected from themselves and each other," the girl explains. I look at the crowd in sympathy.

"I thought EMPA was bad," I think back to the day my brother left. He left me, a nine year old girl, all alone to fend for herself. I've had to raise myself. If it wasn't for EMPA, he never would've had to leave.

"EMPA is beneficial to the society and the elemental masters. It keeps the elemental masters from somehow destroying Ninjago while also treating them like legends in their new society. They don't have to work. Everything is provided for them," the girl, who is obviously pro-EMPA, tells me.

"What about their family?" The girl looks off into the distance when I ask that.

"That's the one thing. It's complete isolation," once again, I look off at the crowd of people. Even though Kai might not be with their family members, he was still taken away from me because of EMPA.

"I think I saw a FOF billboard when I was coming here," I tell the girl, who rolls her eyes.

"Chen is one of their fathers. He puts major funding into the organization because he has money to spare from his noodle empire," once she says that, who she is clicks in my head.

"You're the princess!" I realize. She quickly puts a finger over her lip.

"Be quiet. I'm not supposed to be out right now. I just had to get this. Please don't tell anyone you saw me," she pleads. I give her a friendly smile.

"I promise I won't tell anyone."


Hesitantly, I walk into the restaurant where the FOF meeting is being held. In no way, shape, or form was I planning on coming, but when I locked all of the stuff up so I could have a short break, I gravitated over here. These people have felt similar pain to what I've felt.

"I'm sorry, but the restaurant is closed. You can come back in a half hour for some noodles," the man whose face is on the side of the building tells me, everyone in the room silencing to look at me. Many people who are sat around the long table have morose looks on their faces with tears eyes.

"I was actually hoping to join you guys. My brother an elemental master," I tell them weakly, looking down at my feet. This was a stupid idea anyways.

"Come sit down sweety. There's an open seat in between me and Lou," a kind older woman with greying brown hair tells me, patting the seat next to her. Hesitantly, I walk over and sit next to her.

"How old was your brother when you last saw him?" she asks me as the rest of the people start a separate conversation.

"It was around eight years ago, so 11," as I tell her that, she gets a sad look on her face.

"Same thing with my son. Today is actually the eight year anniversary of the day he was taken from us. We've been fighting every day to get that stupid law taken away that they can't live with the rest of us. They didn't choose this," she speaks quietly with teary eyes.

"My son was 15 when he was taken. He's 20 now," the man on the other side of me sighs. He has dark hair with a dark mustache.

"Chen has it the worst. His daughter was taken away 14 years ago when she was five. He missed seeing his daughter grow up completely," the man on the other side of the nice old woman, most likely her husband, tells me. My jaw slightly drops.

"Some say his heart has gone cold because of it. He had already lost his wife to it. Then, they took his daughter too," the man, Lou, on my other side shakes his head. "My wife passed before they could take her away. It's not even like she had the powers anymore. They want anyone who has been one too."

"We'll get our sons back Lou."

"Wait, since elemental powers need to be transferred through blood, how are both of you here?" I ask the woman and her husband.

"Our son is adopted, but we love him just as if he is our own kid."

"Misako is trying to talk to you," Lou taps my shoulder. I look down the table to a woman with a grey braid. I'm guessing she also lost a kid, probably a son.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I was wondering what element your brother is the master of."

"Fire," as I say that, she stands up from her seat.

"We need to get you out of the city, ASAP," it startles everyone at the table, causing them to look at her.

"Misako, what's wrong? Did you run out of noodles?" Chen asks.

"No, this is Ray and Maya's daughter," as she says that, Chen puts down his utensils.

"Yeah...those are my parents, and my dad was an elemental master," I tell them. Misako rushes over to me.

"Your mother was also an elemental master. Her powers were passed down to you. You're in danger being here. The city has censors that picks up any trace of elemental power," she grabs my hand, starting to drag me out of the room. That's when I get an idea.

"But...what if I try to get caught? Then, once I'm in there, I could try to help motivate the other elemental masters to fight," I throw it out there.

"Honey, we can't ask you to do that," the nice lady tells me.

"I have no family out here. There's nothing to loose," I admit. If anything, I'd only gain going into this situation.

"Are you sure?" Misako asks me.

"Positive. Now, where's the EMPA base?"


Hey guys, chapter one is up. I hope you liked it. I'm trying to hurry through this little bit of the plot to get to the interesting stuff ;)

Don't forget to comment. Commenting is so much fun

Love you guys

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