Chapter t2enty-ei8ht

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"MUM, DAD... I'M GOING OUT on a date."

And then the house turned into a zoo.

Nah. Just kidding, but it might as well have.

Dad had tried his best not to complain but mum complained her best! And she complained about me not telling her that Jayden and I were dating not because I was dating someone.

"You're not really going to do naughty stuff, right?" asked dad with a pale face.

"Eww!" Dee screamed. "Jamie's probably going to come back home with STDs dad."

I really wanted to smack Dee to death right then.

"No! You're both sitting in the middle of the cinema!" dad demanded. "Tell him that."


"Barbara, if she comes home with triplets in her belly, will you be as excited? I doubt you will."

"Okay, dad, I'm not a stripper. I won't have sex in the middle of a fucking cinema-"

"Watch your tongue! Don't speak shit to me!"

I rolled my eyes at dad and tried not to laugh at how paranoid and dramatic he was being.

"Look, I'm not going to have sex with him, okay?"

Dad nodded reluctantly as he looked back and forth between me and mum. Tears balanced on his eyes and he hugged me without warning.

"I just don't want you to ruin your life."

"I won't."

"If she does, I'm calling dibs on her bedroom-"

"Dee!" mum scolded. "If anything, I called dibs on it first!"


She laughed and high-fived Dee. "Relax! We were just joking."

"Yeah, 'we' were," added Dee quite menacingly.

"Okay, can I leave now?"

Mum and dad nodded while Dee stood behind them, making kissy faces at me with his tongue out. I can't believe he's turning sixteen in two months.

"im hr" I texted Jayden. "im the one wearing beige khaki shorts and a purple sweatshirt"

"yea i see u."

I looked around the entrance of the cinema and saw Jayden standing by his motorcycle, taking his helmet off. He'd had on a normal black tee with a blue unbuttoned plaid shirt over it and black denim jeans, quite casual.

"Hey!" I rushed towards him and hugged him.

He looked down at my legs and questioned, "Hmm... shorts?"

"Yeah.  Something wrong with shorts?"

He shook his head. "No, I-I really like you in shorts." Then he looked away, fast, but I could still see him blushing.

"Should we-"

"Yeah!" he nodded and took my hand in his. "Let's head in."

We entered the cinema and scanned the whole area first before getting in line for a ticket. There were three movies being shown at the time but Jayden and I decided on watching a horror-comedy called 'Home alone with a bone'. The title itself sounded awful, so we thought it would be a great comedy movie.

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