Chapter 2wo

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AS I MENTIONED BEFORE, I'm afraid of boys. So, let me clarify that.

Boys, to me, are like kryptonite. And I'm not exaggerating.

You see, when a boy is within five feet of me, I start to breath faster and I feel kinda nervous. My stomach feels weird and I just sort of shut down. It's usually worse if the boy touches me, especially if it's an attractive guy. Well, Ryan was an attractive guy and we'd definitely, at some point, touch if he sits next to me...

Not good. At all.

"I'm good sitting next to the empty space," I argued. "You don't have to seat next to me."

Ryan's confused expression told me that he was slightly offended that I didn't want to sit close to him.

"Oh," he said, "I just thought it would be better if we sat together because I know this douche will be too occupied with Bec to talk to me."

"Hey! Who are you calling a douche?" Alex shouted at him.

Ryan smiled and stroked his chin. "Let me think about that..."

Bec and I both laughed, but my laugh was more of an I-hope-he'll-finally-sit-with-Alex-instead-of-me laugh. But when he turned back to me, I knew he'd still insist on sitting next to me.

It was nice of him to do so, especially when I knew he was right about Bec and Alex being too lovey-dovey to even notice one of us sitting beside them.

"Okay, you don't want to sit with me, I get it-"

"How about I sit beside Jay and you, then Alex sits beside you and the other guy on the other side?" Bec suggested.

Alex leaned towards Bec's ear and whispered, "But-"

"Babe, you know how Jay is. She can't sit with Ryan," she whispered back.

"You should know that you're both bad at whispering," I whispered to them.

"I agree," Ryan joined in.

We all looked at each other for a while before Bec could sigh aloud and announce, "We'll sit in this order: the empty seat, then Jay, me, Ryan and finally Alex. Okay?"

We nodded happily, except I was the only one who was happy. I really didn't mean to make Ryan feel bad though.

"Thank you," I said to Bec once we sat down.

"You know, you're going to University next year and you still can't get a grip whenever you're around a boy. I won't always be there to tell people to move seats just for you, Jay," she replied as she gave me a you-owe-me-for-this look staring out at the basketball court.

I looked at Alex and Ryan who were equally as mad as Bec feeling guilty. "You're such an ass," Alex had told Ryan. "You just had to sit next to her, cockblocker."

"That makes you an ass by blood then!" Ryan replied before poking him.

They started to fight but not in an MMA kind of way. It was more of a pinching and poking fight.

I briefly took a look at the empty seat next to me and then at the court ahead. It looks like the game was about to begin.

"Want some drinks or something?" Bec asked but her eyes were still on the court.

"Yeah, sure."

"Mind getting some for us?"

I stared at Bec for some time, feeling like I should kill her. She had this puppy-dog face on though which I suppose was supposed to persuade me. I couldn't say no because she did me a favour, so I'd better return it.

Hesitantly, through clenched teeth, I agreed to it. "Fine."

"Thank you!"

She handed me a few bucks. "Passion for me, coke for Alex and..." she took a brief look at Ryan. "Sprite for Ryan, he looks like the lemon-lime type."

"Two sprites, a coke and a passion?" I clarified.

Bec nodded.

It took time finding my seat again.  Mostly because the empty seat I'd sat beside was occupied. I should've known that the arena wouldn't be too big to have empty seats. What are the chances the person that would occupy the empty seat was a guy? Really, what are the chances?

Apparently, the chances were huger than that of a girl sitting there.

Come on Jamie, most girls would rather be in a salon destroying their hair follicles and killing brain cells!

I squeezed past a few individuals on my way to my seat. It was safe to say I'd probably pissed off a few people by shoving my butt in their face while there was a game going on.

When I finally got to my seat, I passed on the drinks and sat stiffly.

"Bec!" I whisper-shouted. "Let's exchange seats, please?"

Bec looked past me and saw the guy sitting beside me. She smirked and shook her head. "So now you want to sit with Ryan?" she asked. "You know if I do you another favour, I might just ask you to do something else for me, and it will be harder than just getting drinks."

I looked over my shoulder and gulped knowing that it was a no. I looked at Alex and then at Ryan who were too occupied watching the game. I couldn't ask them to exchange seats either.

Shit! I screamed inwardly.

"Don't be such a wus," Bec said, noticing my distress. "He's a hot guy and it's not like you don't know him."

Yep. I knew the guy, but not that well. I saw him a couple of times at school but he wasn't much of a talkative guy.

His dark brown messy hair was tasselled over his forehead and his thick bushy eyebrows were naturally relaxed. His dark dark eyes were fixed on the game and they moved smoothly from side to side focusing on the ball bounce back and forth.

My eyes remained glued at his ear when I saw some sort of black mechanism on it. Was that a hearing aid?

I swallowed hard and felt really nervous all of a sudden as I stared until his eyes met mine all too suddenly.

I played it off as if I were staring at something behind him, then casually faced the court.

"You're blushing," Bec whispered.

"I know!"

"And you were checking him out."

I sighed and admittedly answered again, "I know."


Hallo hallo! Thank you for reading this story! :)

Comments? Votes? Yeah, go do that, would you?

Anything wrong with it, maybe? I'd like to know. In the meantime, I'll be going.


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