Chapter 1leven

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EVER SINCE THE DAY JAYDEN came over, I made it my mission to approach him every day and at least say 'hi'. Yes, sometimes it would be awkward, granted we still didn't know each other much, but I promised myself to talk to him every day just to avoid having him hate me any more than he already probably did.

Of course, most of the time we spoke was composed of a bunch of greetings followed by long awkward pauses and very swift goodbyes. I'd say I made progress each day and it made me so stupidly happy.

So Thursday afternoon finally came, and after class, I went to practise, as usual. There was a game coming up in just a few days. I'd been so stressed about it for most of the day and that's why I broke my schedule and decided to get a few hoops in before I went home.

Normally, all of us, both the boys' and girls' teams, practised on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but as head captain, I felt like I should definitely not let anyone down.

When I got to the gym, Jayden was where he always sat at the bleachers. When the door opened and squeaked creating an echo that boomed throughout the silent building.

He looked at me then I looked at him and waved. I didn't pay much attention to him after that nor did I even wait until he waved back. I just walked towards the hoop and tried to get some shots in.

I assumed that we wouldn't talk much anyway and I was starting to feel a little bit down about that. If he and I were friends, it certainly didn't feel or look like it. Friends are supposed to mingle and socialize not look at each other occasionally and go on with our lives. What could I even do though?

I threw the ball reluctantly and paused as I watched it bounce from the hoop and down to the ground.

Maybe trying to know each other well would cement our relationship and make it more genuine because I honestly felt like it was an obligation to be Jayden's friend.

I rushed for the ball and threw it recklessly at the board but this time with such little force that it barely even reached.

Should I ask Ryan for more help? I asked myself. No. You should do this on your own. Stop depending on others.

If I were to ever think about the last time I thought this hard about something, it would be during any Chemistry exam. How could wanting to be someone's friend feel be so stressful?!

I laughed quietly at myself. Getting to know someone should be easy. I did it with Bec all on my own, (and of course with the help of her own input) it shouldn't be hard to do it again.

I mustered up enough courage to turn to face Jayden and just as fast, I turned back to the board. I put all my attention on the ball as it rolled all the way to the far end of the court slowly.

I started to count in my head ten seconds until I would decide to turn to Jayden again, but I found myself walking towards the ball, picking it up and blindly throwing it forward without any aim.

It was evident that I couldn't practise at all. Not with Jayden there...

"You weren't even close that time!"

I sucked in a bunch of air, startled by the sudden sound. It had been quiet most of the time apart from the bouncing of the ball and the squeaking of my shoes against the ground.

I looked at Jayden and let the ball roll away for sometime before I could answer.

"I know!"

Jayden attempted a smile but to me, it was more of a smirk. "Three times Jamie? I'd say you're going blind!"

"Har har!" I laughed sarcastically. "How about you come try then?!"

Jayden stood, although I never expected him to, then walked over to me as he shook his head.

"I'd love to, but I can't."

"Then, why'd you walk all the way over here?"

"It seemed stupid shouting at each other from across the gym. So..."

"Oh," I added seeing as it was sensible to talk rather than scream from a distance at each other. There was nothing much I wanted to talk to him about anyway. But now would be the perfect time to get to know him and actually have a conversation together.

"Um... W-why do you always come here after school and just sit around?"

Jayden's face twisted into an indescribable expression but I could say he looked surprised, happy and disappointed all at the same time.

"Isn't it obvious?" was his answer. "I come here to watch you guys play."

I blushed immediately when I noticed that it really might have been a dumb question. But then again, it got me thinking. If he spends his time after class watching us, he most likely doesn't play any sports which surprises me. He seems like the competitive athletic type. Plus, he's as tall as me and must really love basketball if he's always here watching us. He was at that basketball game after all.

"Why don't you join the team?"

Jayden laughed. I'm guessing it was an indication that I'd just asked another stupid question. He pointed at his ears and his eyebrows rose as if that too was obvious.

"I can't risk playing and then breaking my aids. Or risk getting hit hard enough that they get lodged into my ears, or skull."

"Oh. I'm sorry-"

"It's okay. Watching a real game is the next best thing!"

I found myself playing idly with my fingers with my eyes downcast. I felt both embarrassed and guilty asking him that. It must be sad not playing a game you really enjoy.

When I looked back at him, he didn't seem bothered by it though. I stared at him for some time, curious, asking myself what had even happened to his ears. Was he born that way? I wanted to ask but I had a huge hunch that he could never tell me. He barely knows me!

"So, why don't you come watch me play next Saturday?" I asked eventually.

"Just as long as you're not as bad as you were today."

I couldn't tell if my eyes dilated because the whole gym looked brighter. It's just stupid how happy I had been at that time. I felt good!

I nodded vigorously at a neutral-faced Jayden and even shook his hand. "Deal!"


Awww! Now, THIS was the chapter I wanted to write! Yap, writer's block is finally over and I realized I had it because I didn't really like the previous version of this chap. So, enjoy this chap. Numero 12 is coming tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Well, I sure as hell am feeling good as hell... ;)

see ya! but vote first and comment before you leave!

Forgive typos and spellies!


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